
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Biggest lesson from the World Baseball Classic

If you are Puerto Rican, today isn’t necessarily the greatest day for you. That’s because last night we lost in the World Baseball Classic against the US. Although I’ve already written about this in Spanish, there are some more things I’d like to say and in English to offer a bit more perspective to people all around the world.

One of the things that identifies Puerto Ricans is being loud and proud. A lot of people ask me why are Puerto Ricans so in your face about where they’re from and I can guess a couple of reasons. First off, we’re a tiny Island in the Caribbean, which means a lot of people, and I mean a LOT of people not only don’t know where we’re from, but write us off. Some people do so because they don’t know who or where we’re from, but in regards to some people from the states, the reality is a little harsher.

Seeing the reactions after the first game between Puerto Rico and the US, the sentiment is clear:

We are owned by the US and shouldn’t even be representing Puerto Rico

We should show more respect because after all, we are a US territory

If it weren’t for the US, Puerto Rico would be nothing but a rock in the Caribbean

And so on. You get the gist.

So that’s why losing last night hurt twice as much. For the US, it’s another trophy for an already crowded mantel. It’s bragging rights. It’s the way it "should" be, even if the game really didn’t matter much to them in comparison (it mattered but for different reasons).

For Puerto Rico, it was a game that brought the country together, that gave the Island some dearly needed good news and even hope, it put us on the world stage once again, even if we’re small. For a few days, people celebrated, chanted, did silly things like dye their hair blonde, and we were having a good time, something we’re well known for but also something that’s kind of been lost during the last couple of years.

But in hindsight, it also showed clearly what identifies Puerto Rico versus the US.

The US thrives on determination, grit, anger, and even revenge. They're tough and they hated losing to Puerto Rico and had a chip on their shoulder. Their star pitcher was given grief because he’s from Puerto Rican descent and still played for the US, a decision that we should all respect, as well as his skills and an amazing game he pitched  last night. There were celebrations organized for the Puerto Rico team and the US used that as fuel for their fire… they were angry, they felt disrespected, and that’s what fueled their win.

On the other hand, Puerto Rico played great in the tournament and were the team to watch because they were having the time of their lives and having fun. Every single game they brought that carefree attitude, they came out with the W. That’s because Puerto Ricans excel when they are happy. It’s not to say we can’t overcome, or we can’t dig deep when things are bad. We can, it’s just that when joy is the game, no one can beat us. By all means, check out the highlights for all the teams and then check Puerto Rico’s. The energy, the joy, the excitement they brought was something else and they played fun. Last night, I didn't feel that joy and I'm sure a lot of other people didn't as well.

Which is the point. Puerto Ricans by excellence excel when they are happy and for some time now, the Island has lost its spark a bit. This team rekindled that joyous fire and definitely served as a wonderful reminder to all Puerto Ricans and the world at large: joy can bring people together, can lower crime, can make you dance and smile, and we need more joy in the world.

So ask yourself, what have you done lately to bring joy to the world? Or is it that you’re just focused on winning the game?

#WinningIsntEverything #ProudOfOurTeam #StillChampions #TeamRubio

Peace, love, and maki rolls

Píntate de rubio, no te vistas de luto

Parece que el especial del día para todo puertorriqueño es taco. No me refiero a la comida típica de México, sino el que muchos cargamos en la garganta luego de anoche. Eso es normal aunque hay al menos 7 puntos que deberíamos tocar hoy 23 de marzo.

1.     Somos puertorriqueños en las buenas y en las malas. No se puede apoyar solamente en victoria y eso es una lección que nos han dado muchas veces pero que nos seguimos colgando en la prueba. Es fácil irle a tu equipo cuando gana, pero si tú te sientes mal, imagínate lo que sienten los muchachos del equipo. Confieso, no pude terminar de ver el juego y aunque está mal de mi parte, de verdad que en parte lo hice porque quería ver si los dejaba tranquilo si pudiesen sacarse una del buche porque le entra a uno lo de supersticioso de que le está salando el juego a los muchachos. Desafortunadamente, tuvimos una noche mala y el pitcher de Estados Unidos estaba enfocado anoche.

2.     Desearle mal a Stroman no cambia el hecho de nada y sólo nos hace lucir mal. El muchacho tenía un trabajo y lo hizo más que bien. Hay mucha gente que le ha dicho vende patria y se le ha mentado en la madre incluso por decir fuck you al equipo y miles de otras. La realidad es que hay mucha emoción en ese juego y le echaron fiero para el último juego y no se iba a quedar dado. Sabrá Dios las miles de cosas que le dijeron, pero la realidad es que le dieron motivación y nos clavó, punto. En un juego con mucha emoción, el equipo de EE UU jugó con mucha disciplina y con mala sangre, el cual nos va en contra. Nosotros somos un pueblo de emoción, impulso y entusiasmo, y por cómo estábamos anoche fue el resultado que tuvimos y me explico en el próximo punto.   

3.     Cuando se pasa bien NADIE nos gana. Todo juego que Puerto Rico se estaba divirtiendo ganó y
si ves los highlights, el nivel de juego de nuestro equipo cuando tenemos gozo en el alma no tiene competencia. Anoche los nervios y la tensión nos llevó por el camino de la derrota. No es la primera vez que pasa y no será la última y para mí la lección es que si estoy de buen ánimo y feliz, el mundo no tiene nada que buscar conmigo. Eso es por mi familia,  por la sangre que llevo por dentro y el país en donde nací y crecí. Esta es la lección más importante a recordar porque a menudo llegamos al punto que abacoramos a los nuestros a nivel de que no la puedan pasar bien y a veces nos tenemos que acordar que nuestro trabajo es apoyar, no exigir… ni mucho menos distraer.

4.     Hay MUCHA gente que debe aprender a callar porque les brindamos muchísimas distracciones a nuestro equipo. Empecemos con la esposa de Javi Báez. Cualquier opinión que tengan de la mujer de Báez se la puede quedar al igual que cualquier opinión de la esposa de Miguel Cotto y cualquier representante de nuestro país. Meternos no nos toca pero a muchos les encanta meter cizaña. Esto fue una de muchas distracciones y debería premiarse con que le lleven los privilegios de redes sociales a cualquier persona que tuvo algo que decir. Felicidades a Javier Báez por responder de una manera tan simpática y políticamente correcta… a diferencia de otros.

5.     La política no tiene lugar alguno en nuestro rol fuera del entorno de la política. Sin embargo y como a menudo, se metió la política y de qué manera. El mensaje es simple, zapatero a su zapato; enfóquese en su trabajo.  Hay quienes dicen que los muchachos como le pidieron el vuelo a la Isla se lo buscaron. Hay otros que dicen que fuese o no, le caerían chinches a Ricky, el cual estoy de acuerdo... pero hubiese preferido la otra opción. El gobernador electo quiso robar cámara y hacer un show y un mensaje unificador… le robó la atención al equipo y muchos dicen que lo saló. Si lo saló o no, no es lo que importa. Lo que importa es que brindó OTRA distracción con lo del día de celebración… lo cual lleva al próximo punto.

6.     No se celebra hasta que se gana. La gente miró estadísticas, el que ganamos y otros factores y nos confiamos. Nos ha pasado antes y a diferencia de otros puntos, espero que aprendamos de esta. Hay que irle a los nuestros, pero nunca exigirles ni confiarnos… puñeta.

7.     La palabra puñeta nos identifica. Nos une y nos sirve para las buenas y las malas. Hay quienes se ofenden por el uso de la palabra. A esa gente les recomiendo que se dejen de cosas. Muchos boricuas utilizamos la palabra y es una palabra. El año pasado con Mónica Puig, el equipo de baloncesto, Tito y ahora este gran equipo ha utilizado esta palabra y es nuestro talismán en las buenas y en las malas. Captura ese sentimiento mejor que la poesía más florida porque es una palabra que utilizamos sinceramente y a menudo es que nos sale de lo más profundo. Y de ahí mismo debe salir nuestro agradecimiento por este equipo. Por algunos días bajó el crimen. Por algunos días estuvimos unidos. Por algunos días todos fuimos rubios. Por algunos días todos gozamos. Ahora nos toca mantener este sentimiento de celebración, porque como mencioné arriba, cuando estamos alegres, nada puede con nosotros.

Se les quiere puñeta.


Saturday, March 11, 2017

New Q, A & T with JD and Giveaway

 So not only did I get to 200 subscribers on Youtube, but I'm currently at about 230! So at this rate I'll have to do another Q&A and giveaway in record time, #HAPPYPROBLEMS :D

That said I'm doing this blogpost as an official account of all the questions I have so people can see them and if I'm missing one say "Hey mister! Get my question on there!!!"

As part of this Q&A and as a thanks for the lovely support, I'll be doing choosing 4 people from those who ask to enter the eBook giveaway where they can choose to either get three poetry collections, my two novels, or my Daydreams or Twenty Veinte and one other book. I'm offering people the flexibility because different people like different things and luckily I have a couple of books and we can get creative. Anyways, before I keep waffling, below are the official questions I have so far for the Q&A, if you don't see yours or if you'd like to add one more, you have until 11:59 PM tomorrow March the 12th.

Thanks to everyone who has sent me questions and look fwd to this hearty video.

Peace, love, and maki rolls

Meike 13910
How did you start writing poetry?
Who is your favorite poet?

Sage Knows what’s up
What music artists/songs do you love?
Have you ever considered producing an album with your original music?

Jesse Avilés
Since you use mythological creatures in your book, what is your favorite creature? (Plus a little explanation.) What creature that you have not used will you like to add?

Brittany Reads
Congrats!! Haha I know you said this in the video but I really do want to know what your favorite tea is.
Do you believe in the Oxford comma?
Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?

Lisette Rodríguez
What inspired you to begin writing? 
Which would you say is harder to write poetry or a novel?  
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?

What is the weirdest job you've ever had?

Theresa Snyder
What prompted you to start the Q&A Show?
Do you collect mugs like socks, because you seem to always have a different one?
What do you drink during Happy Hour?

Shelby at Clever Fox
If you were only allowed to use ONE of your mugs for the rest of your life which would it be? (lol you can tell I'm a fan of the mugs).

Emily Irizarry
Do you have any ideas for future trilogies or series?

Seema Tabassum
What’s your biggest motivation?

Myk Pilgrim
If you had to choose a fruit as your spirit animal, which would you choose and why?

Anais Chartschenko
Do you think in English or Spanish?

Nicole from Who Picked this Book
What is your all time favorite tea?

Olivia from Ilivie for Books
if you could rec one book for everyone on Earth to read- which would it be?

Azeez Ahmed
What are the pros and cons of being a writer on a visual media such as YouTube? And what are you currently working on?

Amber Eats Books
Top 5 Favorite Animals?

The Baked Book
Were you born in Puerto Rico? If yes, when did you come to the mainland?

Christie Stratos
If you HAD to focus on writing only novels or only poetry forever, which would you choose?

Rose Weed
What inspired you to start up ‪#SockItToMe?

Raspberry Twist
How did you start Youtube?

Sarah Brentyn
What HP house are you in and did you try to influence the sorting hat's decision?
What is your favorite smell?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

I’ll sleep when I’m dead

I’m often asked how I do all the things I do without losing my mind. The truth is that I try not to focus on all the things I end up finishing and sharing because if I did, I might be distracted or lulled into complacency. But that changes nothing from the fact that I do get tired and my body and mind at times do feel run down… but I’ve found that more often than not, there’s a second wind to be found or maybe I’m just stubborn.

Thinking of the proper way to explain it, I can find no better example than sayans from the Dragonball series. In these cartoons, martial artists that are really half ape aliens have super powers and if you go back far enough, they even have tails. But what is consistent is that to get to the next level, a sayan has to be pushed to the brink of death to reach a higher power level. I am also reminded of the Last Dragon and countless other 80’s and 90’s movies that used this trope. The funny thing is that it’s not necessarily a trope.

In my life I’ve known to work myself to exhaustion on plenty of occasions but I’ve also known to find something liberating in proving the odds wrong and pushing through. I’ve known to write while going through a breakdown and pull myself out of the wreckage of my mind one step and one word at a time, which should indicate where I’m going with this.

I’ve broken a few times in my life and writing has always been there to save me. When I had my first burnout because of a job I poured myself into a blog I used to write in. It was guttural, raw, and is probably the reason why I went into writing for real. As a teen and an adult, heartbreak was never easy to cope with, and what was there? Writing.

So you ask me, am I tired? Yes. Am I pulling myself thin by doing so many things? Maybe. But will I stop? Nope. A lovely friend has said many a time that she’ll sleep when she’s dead and although I hold true to that, I’m wiser than I used to be. I know when to ease off the gas rather than push through, not because I’m quitting, but because I’ve seen that taking it down a few notches lets me get to that second wind to push the nitro.

Working in advertising, stamina is something that comes into play QUITE often. I’ve lost that battle quite a few times and I’ve known the worst way to live, i.e. not eat healthy, not exercise, drink too much coffee, work 15 hr days, work 90 hr weeks, drink to cope, and not listen to my body. With age apparently comes wisdom, or maybe I understand the things my body is telling me better. So when I see life is bringing a sharp turn, I brake or ease off the gas. But when there’s a straightaway and no cops in sight… best not get in my way.

Stay tuned, dear frands, I may be in a curve… but I smell the open road and rain in the wind… so let us write a storm.

Peace, love, and maki rolls