
Friday, May 29, 2020

-nother Poem


-nother black man took the blame
-nother black life down the drain
-nother white man goes scot free
Because it’s long since gone that “a”

It’s not a black man
It’s another
It’s not a hateful crime
It’s another
And another
And another

Peace didn’t work
Taking a knee didn’t work

Wasn’t convenient for their rhetoric
Bad for ratings
Worse for Murica

So now we’ve arrived at violence
And some people act surprised…

I’m not.

I’m sad
I’m worried
I’m disappointed
I’m scared

But not surprised

Destination violence
Please stand clear of the closing doors

Because although people insist on being ignorant
Violence is an easy thing to understand.
A language too many fools are fluent in.
But that’s where we’re at
Because if you use other means and aren’t understood
Because if you use other means and aren’t even listened
Then what else can you expect.

Whether it’s a knee or a noose
Another black man makes the news
Dead and dying
While communities are crying.

Remember the –nother brothers and sisters
The black, yellow, red, and brown
The statistics that matter less to some
Because all some people see are numbers
While all we see are names.

George, Ahmaud, Breonna, Trayvon…
How many more names?
How many less lives?
How many have we forgotten in the multitude?
How many blind eyes can people turn?
Before we accept the problem
Face the facts
And say it in black and white
Black with white
White with black
And everything around…

We are far from great
We are broken
But we can mend and heal
If we stop being blind
And see the problem for what it’s always been.

Black vs. white
White vs. black
Human vs. human

We can dream of peace,
But if nothing is ever done
Then violence is what we’ll live.

-nother is missing

You might think the title of this post has a typo or maybe “nother” is slang… but it’s neither. It’s referencing to how the news is covered in the US and how headlines and news outlets continuously forget the suffix nother. It’s not shooting… it’s another. It’s not a government official is caught in corruption… it’s another. And unfortunately it’s not a black person who has been unjustly killed… it’s another.

That the news is drastically unsettling shouldn’t come as a surprise in 2020. This year has gone out of its way to make things intense… but it’s not enough that we’re doing our best to negotiate uncertain and very turbulent waters during a pandemic, three black people have been murdered – not accidently killed, not mistakenly killed – but murdered and two of them on video in this year alone while a black woman was killed in her own apartment. That’s just 2020. If you look in the past 5 years, the cases have been there and people were robbed of their life because of some b.s. law that protects people clearly affected by deep roots of prejudice, because someone used excessive force, or because yet another gung-ho desperado who has way too many guns in their home decided that martial law was the route to go because ‘Murica. It's been 8 years since the murder of Trayvon Martin... and the murders that have occurred since then are deeply unsettling.

And let us dispense with pleasantries, ignorance, and political correctness. It took over two months for charges to be filed against Ahmaud Arbery’s killers. Now George Floyd has been unjustly and brutally killed, point blank, video taped from different angles, and still the murderer has not had charges filed against him (*updated finally in custody). Breonna Taylor was shot dead inside her apartment. They’re calling for the dismissal of these charges lord knows for what reason. 

That’s just 2020… actually that’s just a couple of months of this year. 

But All Lives Matter continues to trend… people come to defend murderers because they’re “god fearing men” or some other platitude catering to religious belief or any other paper thin excuse. It’s not measuring an act as heinous for its very nature but measuring if it’s vile or not depending on the circumstances and the color of the skin of the people involved… and saying otherwise is being ignorant. Absolutes rarely apply, but how many examples are needed to see a situation for what it is.

Charges against people of color are harsher than for white people. Sentences are harsher for people of color than for white people. And don’t look for exceptions to the rule, look at the average, look at the tendency, look at what happens more often than an exception. Police brutality against people of color and especially black people is out of control. This country is out of control and there are no blind eyes left to turn. There is no excuse left to give. That’s why people are repeating themselves. 

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides for "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

That’s the right to your privacy or the right to due process, something grossly lacking in all cases mentioned above. That’s the fourth amendment. And it’s not the fourth amendment for some people more than for others. It’s the fourth amendment. Period. It’s also the amendment that should protect people from the very racial profiling that’s at the core of so many issues in this country. 

The aftermath of the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Abnery, and Breonna Taylor is that riots are occurring and if these surprise or offend you, then I’m not sure what it’ll take to show the problem point blank. If you still don’t get it, please let me know how many white men with automatic firearms were arrested in the stay-at-home protests we’ve seen lately. More importantly, explain to me why unarmed black men are killed during their arrest when they do not resist while white terrorist shooters are apprehended. If you still need it clearer, be aware that a black news reporter was arrested during one of those riots. Also note that a white man in riot gear was seen vandalizing, breaking windows, and starting fires in the riots. Yet we still don't accept the problem and insist we're Great. Sorry, but I disagree completely. Things are far from great and catchy slogans and fancy rhetoric won't change my opinion.

This blog is normally as chill as possible and as happy as possible in the search of something lighter and kinder to try to balance things out, to distract, to give some light during dark times… but silence is acceptance for too many people. You have to say outwardly that you have a problem with racism, that you have a problem with police brutality, that you have a problem with prejudice against people from the LGBTQ+ communities, that you have a problem with social inequality and countless other things. It’s not enough that a black man died… so we wait for another… and another… and another. 

Because it’s sad to say that I really wish I could say this is a tragedy… but I can’t… because it’s another.

Stay safe, be kind, and love all thy neighbors, not just the ones that think like you and look like you. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The benefits of reading yourself

An integral part of the writing process should be reading your work. I’m not saying read your work when you’re editing. I’m saying that if you’ve published traditionally or self-published, pick up one of your books and read yourself. Not like the author. Not like an editor, but as a genuine reader. 

Sit down with your book. Take it to the bathtub. Take it for a nature stroll and see what you think about your writing. I’ve done it before as part of my research for my urban fantasy series and am doing it again. Firstly, I read Only Human and now I’m on Shadow of a Human and it’s been quite an interesting experience and an enjoyable one at that. Since I’m the author I can bust my own chops for any mistake or perceived missed opportunity… though it’s been more often that I’ve actually surprised myself and that’s been a nice experience. 

It’s one thing to read something by someone else and be surprised but to know the plot, know where it’s going, and still manage to surprise yourself, it’s been quite the quirky trip for me. Lines of dialogue I had forgotten or tiny details that are the sort of thing that hit more in a second or third reading. Seeing that I was able to do that for myself, well, it’s pretty cool. 

Some people have asked me if I’ll be changing anything in my published books and beyond a typo here and there, I won’t be changing anything because that’s the story and as I’ve just said I’m happy with the story. I love the challenges and seeing how I addressed issues from Book 1 in Book 2 is also interesting. From my style to how I develop characters, I really think I grew a lot as a writer from one book to another. Is there room for improvement? Of course. There always is, but by reading honestly and looking at the story with prying, curious, and nitpicking eyes, I feel it makes me a better writer because this will be the only time where I can read a book and actually use ideas I get for the series. 

By the way, by also reading like a reader and not like a writer reading his work or an editor, I also see the mistakes I made and the things that could have been done better. Eight chapters into Shadow of a Human and I’m DEFINITELY better at pacing and keeping the reader engaged. I wanted to write something dark and complex for the Human Cycle and I’m fairly certain I did that. I also see how I connected things from Book 1 to Book 2 and I see how I set things up. I think language is tighter and more concise in Book 2 but I also think people enjoyed that Book 1 was easier to follow, which I get. Only Human also has more relatable types of scenes while Shadow has dark, weird, and challenging scenes, something that might turn some people off but that for me is extremely rewarding as I reread.

Also, unlike other series, I definitely think my books are best read in sequence to have the information fresh and not get lost because the connections can be tricky at times and very subtle before it becomes very apparent. Tributes in book 2 are also more obvious than in book 1 and again, this was intentional. Is it in part to bank on someone who is known? Nope. The tributes are clearer because the artists mean a lot to me. I also think the darkest parts of Shadow are far scarier than Only Human and that the emotional scenes are rawer and more intense. That’s something I truly think I improved on, emotions and pulling no punches when I wanted to capture rage, love, or sadness.

Do I think I can strike a better balance, of course… which is why it’s a good thing there’s a third book in the works. Anyways, if you have published yourself, add your books to your TBR and become a fan of yourself, but keep it honest. We’re not the end all authors of the world… but that doesn’t mean we can’t love what we read, especially when it’s something we wrote. 

Peace, love, and maki rolls.

Friday, May 15, 2020

There is only Ash

As we all cope with the new normal which isn’t very normal, a lot of people are dealing with different struggles. Mental, physical, and emotional health are all being put to the test and anyone who was navigating turbulent waters at the beginning of the year has hit a massive rip current thanks to the current situation and is now doing what is needed to keep their head above water. Although a lot of people have the benefit of navigating those challenges in a private setting, Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer do not have this luxury. 

Firstly, some people might say that whatever they’re going through was brought about by how each side handled their situation. That’s some high-horse talking if I ever heard it, yet it’s still out there and I do understand where someone could be coming from. That doesn't change the fact there there is an overabundance of people pulling no punches and using their situation and problems as fodder to get clicks, likes, retweets, or what have you. Unfortunately, there are also a LOT of people seriously stepping beyond boundaries, attacking on a personal level, and truly showing a side of humanity that is as distasteful as it gets. 

It’s not that I’m ignorant in regards to what social media and the Internet are capable of, it’s that I work hard to avoid toxicity and I do my best to put out stuff that hopefully makes people smile, chuckle, think, or get the idea to try and do something kind for someone else, because why not? It’s a very idealistic approach to social media and it does have lapses because some things just frustrate me to no end and I feel the need to either vent or share my opinion (as if it matters) if only so it doesn’t fester within… But I try to make sure that anything I share today is something I can respond to if questioned about in a year or twenty. That said, the entire dynamic of Amanda and Neil during this problematic time might be a compelling read for some, but it’s been fodder to offer some nasty comments that you can’t help but be taken aback by. People attacking Neil and Amanda directly, people punching down and kicking people when they’re down and it reminds me of what you often hear referred to as “the price of fame.” 

Some people might ask why Amanda shared X or Y post airing dirty laundry. A lot of people will continue to speculate as to what led to Neil leaving New Zealand and the sequence of events that led to what happened or what is happening now. Although I get why it’s so compelling a narrative, I don’t get how people can so casually throw damaging comments as if people don’t have feelings or with no consideration that there is also a child getting caught in the crossfire. 

If you take away the fame, it’s the same when there’s a divorce or a couple break up or whatever other personal situation people are going through that bleeds out into public. People chime in as if they have a say on the personal lives of others and as if they know what’s happening. I’ve always been of the mind that for the most part, other people’s business is not mine. For me, I know of Amanda and Neil for their art. When I learned they’d gotten married, I thought it was an interesting combination and when they had a kid I felt happy for them. But the extent of my interaction with either is severely limited to put it lightly. 

I am on Amanda Palmer’s Patreon, have enjoyed her work in the Dresden Dolls and as a solo artist and think she’s quirky, intense, genuine, passionate, extremely outspoken, and intense (said twice from what I perceive). My interaction with her is limited to an exchange of tweets last year where I chimed in on my opinion as an independent creator, Patreon, etc. She replied in detail, gave me her full attention for 5 minutes, and she kept on being the whirling dervish she is answering other people earnestly. I was thankful that she took the time to respond and not offer a boiler plate answer but an honest answer where it showed it came from the heart and not from pre-approved bullet points.

I’ve been a fan of Neil Gaiman ever since I came across the Sandman series and he’s the author whom I’ve read the most. I often mention him as an influence and as someone whom I respect for the work he’s done and how he’s done it. Think about it, is there any other author who has been as hands-on in adaptations of his work and who has gotten better results? When it comes to his work, be it in comics, writing, or movies, there is love and respect to the craft and the medium which is being explored. I can only hope to have the chance to do work of that caliber one day. As a human, I also respect the support he offers to the causes that mean a lot to him. The extent of my interaction with Neil is having him retweet when I put my first novel for free recently because of the difficulties he had with Net Galley. Thanks to that retweet, hundreds of people downloaded my book and I do hope they enjoyed it. Not sure if he was among the people who downloaded the book and that’s not the point. He often does acts of kindness because he felt inclined to do so and I followed that lead.

Neither Neil or Amanda had to even acknowledge me, yet they did in their own way and I appreciate that and their work. The accusations they have to face from time to time are definitely eye opening in regards to what was mentioned above, the so called “price of fame.” Getting into details would be beside the point though, because the point is that these are two people who are dealing with what they have to deal with and in the end, family is the most important thing. That’s because after the money, the art, and the fire, there is only Ash… and that’s what matters the most.

My best to Neil, Amanda, and their zombie-loving treasure.

Peace, love, maki rolls, and kindness

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The beauty of tradition

Some traditions come and go with the years, but others stay for life… and beyond. Since 2014, I’ve made it part of my traditions to publish something in honor of Mom and all the other mothers in this world on Mother’s Day. It’s a tradition that’s important to me because she is so important to me. Notice how I wrote is and not was, for Mama Estrada shall always be present within me.

If you know me, you know I carry my Mom with me every day. Beyond the memory, on a genetic level she lives on through her three sons and four grandsons. I talk to her often though today is the first time I wrote a letter to her. Words I don’t feel the need to share but did feel the need to write. She loved getting letters from me and I always loved writing them. You see, I may have flaws, but when it comes to words, it seems I’m pretty good at using them to either tell stories, capture an emotion, or say I love you. I try to be a man of words and of my word and although she never asked me to, I wanted to publish something on Mother’s Day for as long as I live, because it’s important to me.

From last year, I’ve had a hard time finishing projects because life has been life and it’s been a challenge to focus and concentrate. It’s never been and shall never be because of a lack of will or desire. I’ve pushed forward several books, collections, and plenty will be coming along during the year, because, why not? Still, for 2020 and a year that has definitely turned out to be intense, I wanted to release all of my English poetry in one collection as my first release for the year.

No ad campaign. No mega hoopla. No teaser camp Just my English poetry in one collection as a promise of more to come. More poetry, more projects, more novels, more creativity, more bananas, more socks, more smiles.

Y vendrá más en español. Paciencia mi gente que soy Sólo Humano ;)

Recollection includes all my published poetry including what appears in Twenty Veinte and what appears at the end of the Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore. It includes all my sides as a poet as an invitation to you to give poetry a chance. To show that poetry has many sides as do we. I’m also releasing it as an invitation to you to pick up a pen, pencil, or keyboard and write. Poetry has been extremely powerful in my life and has helped me heal in ways that although I could describe wouldn’t do it justice.

You’ll notice that the cover for Recollection says first wave, because Mother Ocean also means a lot to me and has taught me a lot about life and myself in almost 40 years on this planet. When you surf, waves often come in sets and depending on the beach, the weather, the swell, and all sorts of conditions, it could be a set of two, three, four, five, or lord knows how many waves. I also wanted that subtitle because ripples can and do reverberate around the world and when I decide to share something, I want my ripple to hold a smile, kindness, empathy, laughter, and hopefully something that inspires someone to do good just for the sake of doing good and to enjoy just for the sake of enjoying.

Life is as complex as it is simple. The variables are endless; the challenges sometimes too many to count; but we don’t need scientific testing, divine intervention, or overwhelming evidence to know when something makes us happy. It just does. Writing makes me happy and it has for the longest time… and part of me wants you to feel that joy that springs from any of your soul wells, because there is poetry in you. You just need to let it out.

Peace, love, and sauvignon blanc

El hijo de Marietta