
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Nice to dream you - Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore 2 is here

I’ve been promising the follow-up to 2015’s Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore for a while now...and I can finally share with you the cover for Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore 2.

A draemy project

When I wrote the first Daydream book I was pretty much discovering what the project was and what it would be for me and anyone who would give themselves the chance to have a daydream or three. I included people I knew and then when I wrote one particular short story, it became a fantastical way of sending a get-well card. And it continued to grow and evolve until what it has become.

The stories within Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore 2 continue to explore the land of Draem, one of several countries within the Lucid. Stories this time around are much bigger and although these are independent stories, it’s best to read them in sequence, even if they aren’t necessarily chapters. Think of each short story much more along the lines of being an episode in your favorite show or cartoon. Each story is meant to fill up more and more of the map of Draem and the Lucid.

Closer look at the cover 

If you’re wondering who’s riding that Dragon Teapot locomotive, then wonder no further: IT ME. In these stories, I go on adventures with people I know from all around the world who have agreed to go with me on a daydream. We then get up to all sorts of quirky and whimsical adventures in stories that are meant to soothe and let you escape from life for a little while.

The locomotive on the cover is actually the Falcori, a shapeshifting dragon ship that can take to the skies, the slopes, the rails, and all manner of terrain to help us get from one point to the next. He shifts shape and is such a kind friend in all our stories that he definitely deserved to be on the cover of this second installment.

As for the flying light bulbs, those are some of my ideas that got caught in the cover (they also appear in some of my stories).

Speaking of which, if you like this cover, please check out Melissa Lettis. Although sometimes I am crystal clear on what I want for a cover, this was an instance where I was lost and needed help big time. Working with Melissa, she not only set my mind at ease, she helped me talk things out until we landed on something that would capture the spirit of this project. Seeing as the sketch transformed into a layout and then into a cover was wonderful and I credit this cover for rekindling my love for this project to give it the love it needed to make each daydream shine.

I also want to give a special shoutout to fellow author Mike Jack Stoumbos, from The Writing Tribe group from facebook. At one moment I was lost with this project and he took it upon himself to help me find the right artist. Ever thankful for his generous nature and perfect proof that the writing community is there for each other.

As for the Back Cover...

At the top left, you’ll see a large building shaped like an orange...which is actually the Mandarin Museum, one of several new locations we explore in detail. So, if you’re looking for something to escape Raelity for a while and to warm up with the coming Spring, then by all means, take this as your invitation to dream a little Draem.

Peace, love, and daydreams

Monday, March 20, 2023

Marcha de los escritores día 20: Curiosidades como escritor

El tema de hoy es para compartir detallitos curiosos de ti como escritor. 

Aquí te comparto 5 de los míos y a ver cuán diferentes me salen a los de inglés.

1. Escribo mayormente en inglés. Aunque soy puertorriqueño y mi primer idioma es el español, sólo tengo dos de mis veinte libros que son en español. Aunque finalmente me siento más cómodo escribiendo en español, por mucho tiempo he tenido complejo y no he estado seguro de mis habilidades como escritor en español fuera de lo profesional ya que MUCHO de lo que he trabajado en mi carrera profesional ha sido en español. Por suerte, ya me he soltado y con Penumbra, el mensaje es claro: prepara tu librero :)

2. Nunca he tomado un curso de escribir. Estudié psicología, publicidad y mercadeo y nunca he tomado ni un taller de escribir. Todo lo que he logrado como autor ha sido autodidacta y a pulmón. Por MUCHOS años escribí en un blog y eso me ayudó más de lo que te imaginas. El detalle es que AMO escribir. Claro que quiero fama, dinero y éxito, ahora ante todo AMO escribir y es una parte integral de quién soy.

3. Incluyo muchos personajes basados en personas de mi vida. Mrs. Fawn se basa en Mama. Captain Jane se basa en mi esposa. Fäet es mi representación literaria. Así hay un montón de personajes y siempre es divertido tener a la gente adivinando quién es de mi vida y quién es de mi imaginación.

4. El nombre Odstein es recurrente en mis obras como el apellido de Fäet. Por si no lo sabías: Fäet = Fate y Odstein = Destino ;)

5. Me encanta incluir detallitos y tributos a música y artistas. En español muchos de los capítulos y personajes de Penumbra salieron o fueron influencia directa de la música de Robi Draco Rosa.

Y ahí tienes 5 curiosidades. ¿Qué te parecen? Y ¿Cuáles son algunas de las tuyas?

Espero que te estés gozando la Marcha de los escritores. Un fuerte abrazo.


March of the Writers Day 20: Quirkety Quirk

I actually haven’t used the blog to explore a prompt yet for this year's March of the Writers, which is so odd lol. Fortunately, I think this is a great one for that. 

 As a writer I have several quirks, but instead of exploring them all, here are 5:

1. I write most of my work by hand and later transcribe. There’s something beautifully intimate about writing by hand, even with the challenges it brings. Namely, my handwriting. Plainly put, it isn’t great and definitely is a challenge in regards to legibility, although it is an interesting exercise because it forces me to start editing. Also, Fun fact: Only Human took 6 notebooks of varying sizes.

2. Different size papers. Sometimes to get the right feel for what I'm writing I switch up the size of the paper I’m using to write on. Although I love composition notebooks and find them extremely comfortable, I’ve known to switch to legal notepads, sticky notes, and notebooks of all sorts of sizes. It’s curious how it impacts the writing. For instance, small paper FORCES you to be concise, while long-winding papers can do the opposite. I seriously recommend you give it a go because you don't know if something can work until you give it a go.

3. Different writing materials. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I write poetry/lyrics in pencil, non-fiction and short prose in blue/black ink, and prose in red ink, although I’ve taken to use other colors and it’s been super refreshing. Again, it's all about mixing it up.

4. Love writing during flights. I used to love writing during long appointments but post pandemic things have definitely changed. I do still enjoy writing during long flights because I have no interest in wi-fi at 35,000 ft :)

5. I sometimes write with my non-dominant hand. I’ve journaled and written short verses or inspirational texts with my left hand. It actually improves your handwriting, and forces you to breathe and slow down, something I DEFINITELY need from time to time and you might need as well.

And there are PLENTY more where those came from, but those are my five for today :)

How about you? What are some of your writing quirks? What did you think of mine? 

Peace, love, and maki rolls

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Lo prometido es deuda – llega Penumbra

Por años me llevan preguntando si voy a publicar algo en español.

Por años he dicho que "ya mismo".

Ya puedo cambiar la contestación.

El "ya mismo" se ha convertido en AHORA y les presento: Penumbra – Cuentos Oscuros

6 cuentos cortos + 1 novela corta.

Todo oscuro.

Si se preguntan porque el tono oscuro, le pueden dar las gracias a mis amigos de Libros Eikon que cuando me invitaron a contribuir a No Cierres los Ojos 2. Algo soltó en mí que aunque me sospechaba que estaba ahí, no es lo mismo sospechar que verlo en acción. Doy las más sinceras gracias a mis colegas por la invitación y el apoyo.

La portada fue diseñada por la gran Karelys Luna, una de mis vecinas en el comic con y una amiga artista con talento de sobra. Si quieren conocer más de ella, en confianza visiten su página aquí.

De la colección, hubo mucha inspiración del Viejo San Juan ya que me crié ahí pasando mucho tiempo en las tiendas de mi abuelo y mi madre, además de mis años formativos de janguear en un sinnúmero de locales. Además, hubo inspiración de algunos de mis autores favoritos incluyendo HP Lovecraft y Neil Gaiman.

Por mucho tiempo he prometido algo en español y espero que disfruten Penumbra. Ahora, no es lo único que viene en español, así que pendientes. Pero por ahora, si son de los que disfrutan leer algo un poco oscuro para que el sueño no le llegue, pues adéntrense en la Penumbra.

Ah, y para los que quieran una copia firmada...nos vemos en el Puerto Rico Comic Con.

Pronto les cuento más, por ahora...

Un abrazo,


Monday, March 6, 2023

A year full of promise


Last year I had big plans and a lot of them crashed and burned because I was not able to deliver on what I wanted to. Sure, we can have plans. Doesn’t mean they’re guaranteed to come through. That’s fine and dandy. That was also 2022...This is 2023.

I have been promising several projects for years and March has me delivering on two of those promises. Do I have to be a bit cryptic because we’re building up to these releases? Of course. But it doesn’t I have to stay mum about both.

What’s in store for March?

Two releases.

One in Spanish. One in English.

Both are short story collections.

One is light. One is dark.

They are polar opposites yet very much represent who I am as a writer.

First up is Spanish, which is getting revealed this week. I’ve been promising Spanish for years and I’m finally delivering. Now don’t expect something lighthearted or sweet. We’re going dark and broody.

6 short stories + 1 novella. All dark but in different ways. I am very happy with the end result.

Afterwards, we have English. Another short story collection I’ve been promising for years and one that means a lot to me. While the Spanish book is very me because of style and that dark aspect of my psyche, this book is very me because it is rooted deeply in kindness. 5 short stories in a world that we’ve visited before.

In terms of content and style, I’m proud that I’ve hit all I wanted to achieve with each project. I’m also super proud of the work I was able to do with two different artists. It’s been a busy year so far, though I’m happy, motivated, thankful, and healthy. Thank you to everyone who has shown me such unconditional support and thanks also to everyone who is participating in the March of the Writers. Here’s to all the good times and stay tuned, MUCH more news VERY soon.

Peace, love, and maki rolls.