
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Method to madness: Finding time

Something I’ve actually heard a lot of times is that people who say they want to write, never have the time to write. They have responsibilities, jobs, kids, families and a bunch of things that get in the way of doing what they want to do. They have these great ideas they jotted down with some notes, but they always seem to end up on the question “who has the time?”

Well the reality is that you probably have the time; you just don’t see it. What most people don’t know about my first book is that I wrote most of Only Human during lunch hours. While some people have late nights, bourbon, wine and coffee shops to inspire them, I was fueled by sandwiches, tacos and soups. Two of my other favorite times to write are when I’m flying or during a doctor’s appointment. Some people HATE layovers while I smile at the opportunity to be forced to invest my time wisely.

The problem many people have is that they have issues prioritizing, they have too many distractions or their outlet of choice is not writing. For me, writing has been one of the things that has helped me keep me sane for most of my adult life and certainly all of my professional life. You see, when lunch hour comes I’m desperate to read and write things that don’t suck. I yearn to own a text that isn’t revised constantly to the point of pushing it back to a box so in a ways, my dayjob has served to inspire me to write.

Do you often sleep in, do you watch a lot of TV, do you curse the Candy Crush gods that don’t send you the right piece of candy to pass a level? Then guess what? There’s time to be had. You just have to be true to what you want to do. Although I still sometimes have lunch with coworkers and friends, I do tend to veer off the path and lunch alone. Not because I’m some recluse or a sociopath, but because I need to write and I will do whatever I need to do to get it done.

If you find yourself saying you don’t have time, jot down everything you do in a week and be blunt and thorough about it. Then look at the list and ask yourself when you could write. For me, I always keep some type of notes nearby to review and continue working and I have various capture tools. From scratch paper, to notebooks, notepads and my smart phone, I have notes everywhere and every day I insist on at least taking ONE step in my career.

You’re a parent? Talk to your spouse. You’re a single parent? Write with your kids and involve them in the process somehow. You find yourself without time? Then by all means, dare yourself to become a modern day alchemist and create time. After all, if it means that much to you, every second you invest will be worth it’s time in gold.

Peace, love and maki rolls

Follow me @JDestradawriter or drop an email at

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