
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The inspiration for Blanc Comics

Blanc Comics© is my tribute to Tata, my late grandmother. She was a beautiful, elegant, wonderful woman, with a cheeky sense of humor, gorgeously soft hands and beauty that carried into her 80’s. She was also blind.

Regardless of her condition, this didn’t stop her from telling colorful stories from Cuba and her life, showing me you don’t need to use your eyes to truly see. Wondering of something different to do for the Puerto Rico Comic Con, I thought of writing comics, panel descriptions, details, and full blown storylines as if I were Tata, i.e. as if I were blind and needed people of all types to help me see the story. Blanc Comics is more than something you can read, it’s my humble request for you to paint the stories I have to tell.

The 2014 PRCC offered up two launch titles: Raining Dead© and Tricks and Ladders©. Each one has a life of its own and its own personality. Soon I’ll be seeing how I can get more people to help me draw a Blanc and paint the story the way THEY would like to see it. That way we’ll be able to compare lenses from around the world to see how our eyes reflect the same light.

If you were lucky enough to get your hands on a Blanc Comic and would like to show your vision of our story, send your artwork to I’ll be sharing some more info about each title soon and creating a gallery on my Facebook Page to show our stories in all their glory.

We’ll be seeing each other very soon.

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