
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The slow decay of better conditions

People die waiting for the ideal conditions. Dreams need action to live on and come into reality and although sometimes you need to wait, there’s things that need active effort to move along.

We’ve all faced moments where we thought it’d be better to wait a bit, but for each of those, there are several where waiting got us nothing.

If there’s something in your life you wish to improve, take active steps to do something about it.

If something bothers you, DO something about it.

If something CAN be better, MAKE it better.

Otherwise, you run the risk of ALWAYS waiting… and although those perfect conditions may eventually come, they may delay.

So ask yourself, what will you do until they arrive?

Wait or do?

It’s up to you.


  1. As I sometimes say: "If it's to be, it's up to ME"

    Absolutely! Don't wait, hoping for the perfect moment. Step into the river and learn to swim.

    1. Indeed Chris! Waiting gets you nowhere, literally. Timing is everything but if you don't paddle for a wave, you'll just be wet and annoyed. Here's to sharing our waters with the world. Cheers
