
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

10 reasons why you should review your favorite indie author's work:

1. If a book doesn't have reviews, people are hesitant. If you like a book, let people know!

People really have no idea how much power their words have. Reviews shall always invite more readers to give a book a chance.

2. Indie authors mean well but often question their work. We give our best but it's always best to know how we're doing.

Self-doubt is real and at times crippling. If you'd like to empower an indie author whose work you enjoy, a positive review goes a LONG way to do just that. 
3. You can be instrumental in getting an indie's book into the hands of another reader and every single reader counts for us.

Odds are high at least one of the books you read this year was recommended by someone. What's quite curious is that odds are you can find those books at book stores or in a variety of ways that aren't readily available to an indie author. Tell people about indie books you love and give someone a secret Santa gift worth talking about!
4. Odds are super high we'll thank you in some way.

We are often very aware of our review numbers on different sites because we don't have people hired to be on the lookout and when we see a positive review, we will probably reply. 

5. We always need reviews. Rarely will you see an indie author boasting of all the reviews that are raining down on his books.

I know not ONE indie author that has the problem of too many reviews! Every review helps. Every review makes a difference. We just hate asking for them. 

6. It's guaranteed that 4 and 5 star reviews will get a #SnoopyDance or a #FortniteEmote

It takes very little to bring us big joy. Don't believe me though. Ask around and you'll see what a small review, a note, a thank you, anything can make such a huge difference. 

7. It helps us grow our hair back after pulling it out while editing.

Seriously, although I'm balding in certain areas, I have no idea how I still have hair some days :D

8. It's part of your balanced diet, burns calories, and is #KetoDiet friendly, plus #GlutenFree

Hey, trendy diets are review friendly too!!

9. Because it wards off evil spirits of self doubt.

We will be consulting to see whether Zak Bagans can confirm the existence of these malevolent spirits to banish them far far away from our muses. 

10. Because you can and it makes ALL the difference.

That's what you don't realize. But it's true. Each time an indie author has someone who believes in them and supports them, it inspires us to push 5 times as hard. 

#ReviewIndies #IndieCommunity #IndieAuthors #IndieBooks

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