
Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Mother’s Day Tradition continues

For several years I have always kept a promise to mom that I’ll publish something on Mother’s Day. She didn’t ask for it, but it was something important for me to do as was the choice for my author name. 

I often get asked if there’s a reason for my pen name and I always have to say there are several. Firstly, my last name might be misleading to people looking for other type of literature. Secondly, my name is so unique that in high school I had 3 other people with the same name and it was always funny to try and figure out who had messed up. Thirdly, and most importantly, I take issue with the phasing out of one parent’s surname as time passes. I shall always love my dad and I’m proud of the name I bear, but I’m also proud of my mom’s side of the equation that is me. If you read my author name in Spanish, it reads “jota de Estrada”, or Estrada’s J. I make it no secret that I’m a mama’s boy and I’ll always freely say how much I love my mom because although I was taught to be the best man I can be, I was not taught to shut away my feelings. 

If you’ve read the Human Cycle, my daydreams, or Given to fly, you’ve come across Mrs. Fawn, a character inspired by my mother and one of the most important characters in the Human Cycle (wait til you read Book 3). I didn’t do it to be cute or to win brownie points or anything like that, I include her in my stories because she’s one of my favorite characters in the story of my life and I wanted to share a piece of her through my literature. She’s the favorite of a lot of people and everyone now knows that lemon cake is indeed a slice of home thanks to her. 

For this year, I’m doubling down on the motherly tribute as I bring my Blanc Comics project to book form so anyone can be able to be a part of it. Whereas I dedicate books and write poems about some people I love, for my grandmother, I want to take a different approach and create a concept as a tribute to her. My grandmother was visually impaired and had advanced glaucoma ever since I knew her, but that didn’t deter her from having amazing discipline in morning and evening stretches and exercises, a beauty regiment that was responsible for one of the most immaculately soft set of hands you could imagine, and she could tell a detailed story with lush descriptions even being blind. 

In addition to her talent for storytelling, two other things prompted this project. Firstly, a couple of years back in the Puerto Rico Comic Con they had talent scouts looking for comic book artists. If I’m not mistaken over 200 people (or close to that amount) tried out and only 2 or 3 got selected and there were a lot of people feeling pretty bummed out. Apart from that, I had wanted to do a project that would promote the acceptance of differing points of view to inspire dialogue rather than what we see daily from political parties and people who think winning an argument is better than finding resolution and who would rather bark louder than think before they speak. 

Enter Blanc Comics. 

I offer comic book panels, a fully fleshed storyline, special effects integrated in the panels, and a description of what goes in each panel… but as a story teller, I’m blind… and I need everyone’s help to see our story. I wrote these stories to entertain, to offer a canvas for artists to express their talents, to inspire people to look for varied points of view and instead of resisting, finding worth in a different perspective. I wrote these tales challenging myself in genres that were new to me and trying something new. I wrote these stories with several perspectives of love: for my family, for story telling for the graphic medium, for future artists, for mom, and for my grandmother. 

And I now share them with you. 

There are currently two titles:

What does a wizard have in common with an angel? A pet macaw and a detective agency. Let’s face it, too many crimes go unsolved and some people say you need a miracle to solve certain cases... or a little magic. 

It is the 19th century and zombies exist. Hundreds of attacks have been reported and for the most part, there are no survivors…. 

For the most part. 

A vampire has been battling zombies for over a century. 

A Native American was the sole survivor in a 500-mile radius.

A samurai’s village was eradicated.

An army of three shares one common hunger… Revenge. 

* * * *

It’s been a challenging year for mom healthwise, but she continues showing resilience, strength, grace, and beauty. So I continue writing and giving my best, because if she can do it with everything she overcomes, I find no reason why I can’t do the same. 

Thank you. Mom.

For love. For inspiration. For encouragement. For support. For life. 

I’ll be with you in a couple of hours to give you a banana hug. 

Peace, love, and Cheers Mama Estrada


  1. Replies
    1. So happy you like it. It's a concept I'm proud of and think could help a lot of people. Cheers and thanks for reading and commenting. Sorry for the delay but safari didn't let me put comments. Darned technology!
