
Friday, July 17, 2020

How the F$%@ am I supposed to create?

We’re most definitely living unprecedented times in terms of the challenges we face on an individual and collective level. From social unrest to a global pandemic, to a global economic crisis, and countless places dealing with catastrophic floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and fires, 2020 is brought to you by the word ANXIETY and the letters W T and F. 

For creators, the escape is often quite simple… creating. Yet in a year as topsy and turvy as the beginning of a decade can get, inspiration isn’t always there, or maybe motivation, or maybe energy, or maybe a thousand other things are getting in the way of you and creating and it’s highly likely that every time you hear someone say that you’re probably writing up a storm, if that isn’t the case, then a piece of you breaks. 

This post is to say it’s OK to not be creative and not be creating if you’re overwhelmed. From experience, it definitely shows that sometimes all you need to create is to put hands to a keyboard or put a pen to paper. It sounds so obvious and simple that it might seem ridiculous… but it isn’t. These are daunting times and sometimes our mindset is not in it and our heart yearns to be able to create but we have no idea how to sidestep all the things we’re worrying about. 

For me, I’m usually very active creating something but I’ll confess to my writing in novels taking a hit… because that type of creation requires endurance and long distance focus… something I’m struggling mightily with. Normally I turn to poetry, but that hasn’t been clicking consistently either. I get a poem here and there, but not to the level I’d want. So I write in this blog and although it’s been a good outlet, it hasn’t been free-flowing or BURSTING with posts. So I’ve taken to capturing lyrics and recording new songs. I’ve also written three short stories to submit for contests or to submit to collections. All this sounds like a lot and in a way, it does seem like a lot, but it hasn’t been easy. It’s taken plenty of “let’s just put words to a page and see what happens” moments, but that first step for ANYTHING? Oh lord, it’s been one doozy after another and I can’t say it’s flowed… but I’ve willed myself to find some creative outlet. If one doesn’t work, then another, then another, then another, and another until something clicks. Fortunately, some things have clicked and I’m thankful I’ve been able to get them down, but it’s taken creativity, adaptability, resilience, and being plain ole stubborn. 

Although I’m writing this blog post for several reasons, there are two main reasons:

1. To keep myself writing and creating in my efforts to create momentum. 

And 2. To show you that writing a blog post when nothing else flows IS an option and that you have options. 

It’s a trying time and the name of the game is mainly survival. If you had a bad day, week, or month, it’s OK. Jot down what you want to do and have a variety of projects to see what you can pick up and successfully work on. If you need support, look for writing groups online and writing prompts. I know groups on Instagram, twitter, and facebook who offer each other support (drop a comment or write me if you'd like a link or three). For me, doing writing sprints with people has helped me focus and get things done and the support of fellow Puerto Rican authors resulted in me being able to submit my first English horror story in an upcoming collection. I also have several circles of friends and people who support me and it goes both ways. I try and stay in touch with my author friends to see how they are and give them a boost and they do the same, because we’re all in this together. By nature, writing and creating can be a lonely process, but if you ever need company, by all means, write me a message. I’ll be sure to also point you in the direction of fellow authors, creators, and groups. Just remember, it’s OK to have an off day and it’s OK to ask for help. Cheers to you and as usual….

Peace, love, and maki rolls.


  1. You have talent, but most importantly, you have a heart, and I think you are absolutely right, it is okay not to be creative sometimes; noise needs pause to become music, words need space to become sentences, and we humans need to contemplate to become artist.

    Keep writing my friend!!! By the way, love the WTF logo! Did you make it?

    1. Too kind, my friend. Thanks for the words of support and I thin it's an invitation to connect to different creativity. And space and pauses are essential so often. To contemplating and creating. As for the WTF logo, like I mentioned, took the letters to compose it but definitely food for thought designwise.
