
Sunday, February 28, 2021

March of the Writers 2021#MarchOfTheWriters

Well, if anything’s for sure it’s that the last year has been quite the ride for everyone. No matter who you are and where you live, life has changed in some way. Still, if anything, it’s been an invitation to get creative in ways we never imagined. So it’s March again and once again I’m inviting you to connect with readers and writers alike with #MarchOfTheWriters.

This authorlife set of prompts includes daily prompts for ALL the month for you to tackle on your preferred social media. There are no full on set rules for these although I will offer a brief explanation for each prompt because some titles are SO clever that it’s quite possible you have no idea what to post, but hey, such is moi. The intention is for you to have fun with this and that’s basically my only request. You don’t have to post every day if life gets in the way and no need to feel guilty if you miss a day or two or don’t really feel like posting. Anywho, before I waffle on, let’s get down to bidness.

1. Nice to meet you

Present yourself to readers and fellow authors. You can do this in writing, with pictures, using emojis, on your podcast, or even with a video.

2. Peek a book

Take one of your books and snap a pic behind it while also telling us a bit about your book.

3. Upcoming events (even online)

Regardless of whatever’s going on in the world, we’re all doing our best to keep connecting and be it an online interview, round table discussion, or online convention, let us know what you have coming up.

4. “Genre-ly” speaking

What genres do you write in? Why? Will you be writing in other genres in the future?

5. Music to write to

I’m a BIG fan of music and my writing music list is ALWAYS growing. So if you have recommendations, let us know and might even add a couple of your tracks to the March of the Writers Playlist on Spotify.

6. Fav candy, I mean writer fuel

Brain needs fuel. Fuel can be tasty. What makes your mouth go yum and your brain go vroom?

7. Easter eggs, yay/nay?

Some people love including little surprises in their books, others don’t. What side of the shell are you on?

8. Author Corona Couture

Snap a snazzy pic of what dressing up in lockdown looks like for you. Be as serious or un serious as you like. 

9. Lockdown lessons

In this year, I think we’ve all learned a couple of things about ourselves. What are some lessons you could share with others?

10. If you were a cocktail

Would you be fruity, boozy, sneaky, fizzy? Let us know and if you want to include a recipe, why not?

11. Secret identity (i.e. the day job)

COMPLETELY optional, but if you so choose to share, what is your side hustle, main hustle, or is your writing career at a point where it’s sustainable?

12. 1st book published

Share the joy!

13. Liquid inspiration

Tea, coffee, rocket fuel? What’s in your preferred beverage vessel and what goes inside. If you want to make it a mugshot, have at it!

14. Bookmark collection

Bookmarks are the pillows for your books, so show off one or a couple.

15. Recos [book, movie, videogame]

MOST of us have watched, read, or played something fun. Give us some of your top recommendations of things to dive into and why.

16. Auto-buy authors?

There are certain authors that you don’t need to even read a synopsis and you pick up a book. What are yours?

17. Fav decade?

50’, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’, 2000’s or 2010’s, what decade is your jam in movies, music, and beyond?

18. Reader love

As writers, we are often blessed to get some genuine love from readers. Let us see some of that love.

19. Cartoons you grew up with

I shall watch cartoons until the day I die because it’s something I learned early on and my grandfather also taught me that you’re never too old to laugh at cartoons. What are some of your favs?

20. Breaking the block

Writer’s block happens. How do you cope with it? Be as direct or creative as you like.

21. Dress in your genre

You’ve got books. You’ve got WIPs. If you HAD to dress for the occasion, what would you wear?

22. WIP it, WIP it good

Tell us a bit about your current project/s.

23. 1 of each: indie | classic | traditional

Recommend one book under each category so we can all share the wealth.

24. Writer pet peeves

Some things annoy us to no end. Things that other people wouldn’t mind or wouldn’t react in the same way. Show your writer colors!

25. Love in the elevator pitch

The elevator pitch is a 30-40 second summary of your book. It’s something that you really should master and something I’ve become accustomed to with my different books. It’s also something I think we can help each other out on. Share your elevator pitch and by all means, let’s offer some constructive criticism.

26. Unique influences

Inspiration can come from any and everywhere. What are some of your more peculiar sources of inspiration?

27. Currently reading

What is currently on your nightstand? How is it so far?

28. Writer tools

Tools of the trade vary from writer to writer. What are your go-to-tools?

29. Share a review

Reviews aren’t necessarily easy to come by, especially if you’re an indie author. Share a review that made you smile or a brutal one that actually taught you something about your book.

30. Book pals

One of the greatest joys from my writer journey is the people I’ve connected with and the ones that have offered a new, unexpected, and wonderful definition to the word friend. Show some love.

31. Never let go

Do NOT follow Elsa’s advice. Tell us how to stay in touch with you.

* * * *

And there you go. 31 prompts for the entire month of March. I hope you join in and that you enjoy AND partake in the shenanigans. As for who can participate? This is an INCLUSIVE event, not exclusive. If you write fan fiction, a blog, a journal, or have tons of books published, you’re welcome to partake, connect, and enjoy.

Hope you’re doing well and til next we catch up in words.

Peace, love, and maki rolls


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