
Sunday, January 12, 2025

March of the Writers: 2025 Edition!

Another year, another March is on its way fellow writers! Like last year, I’m sharing the prompts with plenty of time so you can get ready, in case you want to record or do something bigger or that requires more planning or a bit more time. And like last year, you are free to interpret each prompt in your own way.


If this is your first time hearing about March of the Writers, no worries. There will be more posts and videos explaining what we do during March but for an elevator pitch version of the definition, here we go:

March of the Writers is a month-long event where you will have a prompt per day. The idea is for you to post on your preferred social media platform, newsletter, blog, or what have you and let readers and fellow authors get to know you a bit better.


The rules of play are simple:


A.    You can approach prompts however you want. The idea is to get creative, have fun, and connect.

B.    You do NOT need to participate every day. If you missed a day, no harm, no foul. You can either catch up or skip it altogether.

C.    You can join WHENEVER you want. Heck, want to do it in another month? Why not? But March is when most people who participate will do it.


Also, SUPER IMPORTANT, make sure to use the following hashtags when you post:






And now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to the prompts!


1.         Introducing…

This is your author into. Tell us, how long have you been writing, have you published any books, what genres do you write in, where are you from, and anything else your readers might want to know.


2.        Define yourself.

If you were a dictionary definition, what does it include?


3.        Tune up or enjoy the silence?

Do you write with music on? Does it influence your writing? Do you prefer silence? Have you checked out the March of the Writers Playlist? Do you have some tracks you think would be great to include in it?


4.        Author rituals

Sometimes we need to motivate ourselves to get our write on. Sometimes we just sit down and get things done. What are some of your writing rituals?


5.        Hallowed ground

Are there any locations that have inspired your work? Is there any place that for some reason allowed inspiration to hit? Where are they and how did they inspire?


6.        Nooks and crannies

Where and when we get our write on depends on the person and we each have places that for some reason let the words flow. What are some of your favorite places to write?


7.        Method to Madness

Writing is such a curious process and we all have things we do to either sort plot holes, improve our writing, catch typos, or what have you. Give us some tips or describe your writing process.


8.        Idea well

As writers, one of the most important things we have to do is capture ideas. Whether it’s a process, meditation, or using a variety of capture tools, how do you tap into your creativity or make sure that ideas don’t run away?


9.        Healthy habits

Every year I include this topic because there are so many great tips to stay healthy in body and mind, that we need this space to share the wealth. Have you done something that was a game changer for your health whether it's in writing or life? Have you gotten a writing schedule? Have you deleted apps? Have you stopped or started doing things for your wellbeing that you think could help others? Then share the wealth.


10.      Social distancing

In the last year, a LOT of people have opted out of social media or some platforms have been or will be banned. This might be worrying to some, but for others, it’s a welcome pruning of things that might not be worth the price of admission or yielding proper return of investments. What do you think of this trend and have you stopped participating in some platforms/events?


11.       Making it personal

Do you include unique things in your stories and writing in general to reward your readers, especially those who read more than one of your books, poems, or stories?


12.      Where are you still at?

2024 was the year of deleting apps and saying no to certain events, websites, etc. Which apps and events are you keeping and why?


13.      You’ve got this.

Sometimes we need a kick in the ass and sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on. What are some words of encouragement you’ve received, and you’d like to pay forward?


14.      Where in the world?

How many countries are you read in or have people that follow you? This is a small exercise to show you your reach and that sometimes, you have followers where you least expect them. Also, readers, this is your chance to let us know where you’re reading us from? Also, writers, where else would you like to be read?


15.      May I AI?

One of the elephants in the room continues to be AI, the use, misuse, enthuse, and abuse of it. Get your soap box out and make your case for or against AI. If you are vehemently against it, what are some good things that come from AI? If you are for AI, defend your stance but also share some of your areas of concern.


16.      Do the evolution

How do you feel you’ve evolved as a writer from when you started to where you are now?


17.      Writer fuel Pt 1- Snacks

Before we conquer, sometimes we need to snack. What’s a go-to fuel for you while reading or writing?


18.      The 3 Ps: Plotter, Pantser, Plantser.

Which are you?


19.      Coffee vs. Tea!

Which wins and how do you have it? Where is the worst coffee/tea you’ve had and the best?


20.     It’s a date!

Do you have events scheduled for the year or special meetups? Let us know!


21.      We go together.

One of the absolute best things about writing is the community. Tell us about your experience with the community and how some people have had an impact on you.


22.      Competitive drive

Have you ever or would you ever enter a writing competition? If so tell us about the experience. If it’s not your cuppa, tell us why.


23.      Bookmark palooza.

This is a favorite of a lot of people, so flex your swag and show us your bookmark collection.


24.      Writer Beware!

Another popular entry is to share things we should ALL keep an eye out for. Scammers are gonna scam and we gotta stick together.


25.      Beyond the comfort zone

Have you ever thought about or tried writing in a different form? Script, play, poetry, or even song. Maybe a different genre? If so, what would you like to try and why?


26.      Writer fuel Pt 2: influences

As writers, influence can come from many places. Sure, some of those might end up disappointing us, but the influence is still there.


27.      Secret identity.

MOST people I know can’t live off their writing and have a regular (or not so regular) day job. Some people think we live double lives and for some people, that is the case, having a creative persona that is starkly different to who and how they are. What’s your day job and are you the same online/offline and when you’re doing your authorly things, or is there a different setting for you?


28.     Author picks.

We ALL have our favorites, so share your faves in music, movies, art, video games, books, or anything you’d like to highlight.


29.      Writer fuel Pt 3: Reward time

As writers, we can be very brutal with ourselves, so it’s only fair to celebrate with the same verve. How do you reward yourself?


30.     Wishlist.

There’s always that fear that speaking our wishes out loud might make them not come true, but I also believe that sharing our vision can be very powerful. What are some things on your wishlist for this year and in the future?


31.      To be continued…

What’s on the horizon for you and how can we keep in touch?


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