
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Writer Wednesday: Rebekah Jonesy

Some people wear their heart on their sleeves, but Miss Jonesy wears it there, on her stockings, and on stiletto boots in case you’re wondering. As generous as she is kind, the spark to Rebekah stems from the fact that she will always go the extra mile to help others while still maintaining laser focus in her writing. I’ve had the pleasure of not only getting to know a spitfire of a writer but gaining a lovely friend thanks in part to her unconditional support for the #Humans4PuertoRico effort. Along with a very special crew, she offered a lot of support to me on a personal level and to countless people in many places where so many were hurting. Now that you have that image in your mind, juxtapose it with a feisty sense of humor, tales that include erotica, and a vocabulary that would make sailors either blush or wail in fraternal support. She’s that kind of a gal and I’m proud and happy to call her friend. Here’s 10 questions so you can get to know her better.

1. Miss Jonesy, before anything else, I’d like to publicly thank you once again for having one of the most generous hearts I know. A lot of people might focus on what you write and your sense of humor, but often don't take the time to look past that. So stating that, tell us who is Rebekah Jonesy and what makes her tick as a human, a reader, and a writer. 

Just to clarify, it’s thick soled, heavy tread, curb stomper boots. You got the stockings right, however. Keeping my heart there keeps it protected. Only people worthy of it get to see it. And now everyone knows how you know where I keep my heart. ;)

What makes me tick? Coffee.

But what makes me purr like a fine tuned German machine is dark humor, flirting with willing coworkers, making inappropriate comments, mountains of books to read in every genre, and being as fair as possible in all things.

My main philosophy is: I can’t stop the jerks of the world, but I can choose not to be one of them.

My other philosophy is, More coffee, please.

2. You are a voracious reader and review everything you come into contact as well. Why do you do this and what’s your takeaway from writing a review?

I love to read. I love good authors as well. I understand, being an author myself, how important those reviews are to the authors so I make sure to post them when I remember because I know that the more I review the better the authors do and the more likely they are to write more books for me to read. It’s actually kinda self-serving.

I don’t actually review everything I’ve read. Amazon has a cap on how many reviews you can write a month so not all of them can get reviewed there. If I posted all of them on my blog it would be full of just that. Goodreads is about the only place I can post all of my reviews without getting them blocked. And I beta read for a lot of authors too, so it’s not always easy to remember when those get published and I can post reviews for them. But really I do it just to share my love of books and encourage my authors. Like Only Human cause omg…. But I will save that for my podcast.

3. Being an indie author comes with its own sets of challenges and each of us have our own writer journey. What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve overcome and why is that such an important triumph?

Imposter syndrome “What the hell am I doing? Why do I think I can compete against these awesome authors out there? Look at this prose! This scene description! My work is shit in comparison! I should stop pretending…”

That used to eat at me all the time. Then I finally remembered, I’m mother fucking awesome. Maybe my writing isn’t the best. Maybe I am not as good at heart wrenching scenes like Estrada, or make lovable characters like Oake. My stories don’t thread a fine line of right vs. wrong and question what is “good” like Robertson. I cannot capture the depth of insanity and pain like Compton. I will never write an evil psychopath as well as Angell.

Because I am not Estrada, Oake, Robertson, or Compton. And I am certainly no Angell.

I am not a fake version of them. I am the best version of Jonesy. And I am getting better every day. No one does Jonesy better than me. No one tells Jonesy’s stories better than me. That is how I got over imposter syndrome. I am not pretending to be anyone, or anything else. I am doing what I do. Tequila might have played a part in that epiphany too.

4. Anyone who knows you knows you love cake, both baking and eating it and let’s face it, it’s cake. So tell us two things, what’s the hardest cake you’ve had to do, and if you made a Jonesy Cake, what would it include and how would the taste experience be?

Cake is just my most recent baking obsession/project. I’m a mad scientist in the kitchen and I love to experiment. Hardest cake is easily a wedding cake. The first one I made burned out my stand mixer so I had to finish by hand. It has to be firm, but moist, and flavorful. There are several layers, and shapes and sizes. Each tier has to be able to be cut on its own. The top tier has to be freezer safe. And everything has to be able to be decorated. It took me weeks to practice everything, set it up, get the equipment, and about 12 hours to bake and assemble.

A Jonesy Cake, you will not be surprised to learn, is a many layered cake. But not stacked. It’s in a bowl, because I think outside the box, and each layer is a dome. It’s a layer of peanut butter cake, then chocolate fudge, then peanut butter cookies, a thin smear of more fudge, chocolate ice cream, then peanut butter fluff. Once everything is packed in and frozen solid you flip it out and top the whole thing with chocolate ganache and peanut butter cookie crumbles.

5. As a writer, there are good days, and then there’s the other 345 days a year. What drives you to keep going forwards?

The joy of creation. Setting order to chaos. And quieting those nagging voices in my head that want their story told. Also the other amazing authors I know that keep fighting to good fight and put out books even while they struggle with life and all its insanity.

6. You also have a podcast with two wonderful indie authors. What can you tell us about that and how has the experience been so far?

Ahahaha! We are such dorks. It has been a ton of fun. We get to hang out with each other and other authors that join us. We talk about books, stories, markets, squirrels, libraries, authors, anything and everything related to reading. And the crazy squirrel that lives in my yard. So we’re all over the place. We’ve had a lot of technical difficulties. YouTube had a hiccup and decided that my video that I hadn’t made or loaded was spam so I got banned from live streaming. We hopped back to Heidi Angell’s channel within a few minutes and barely even started late that time. We decided that the show would always be live so we can chat with people live and keep it real. It’s been a trial, to be sure. We’re slowly getting things down pat. But each one has gotten better, and gets even more fun. If you could hear what happens once we go off air…

7. If you were a cat burglar who left a calling card on the scene of the crime, what would it be and why?

Semen. Confusion to my enemies!

8. Here’s a straightforward question: What are your writer plans for the next 3 years?

If you think that’s straight forward…

I’m starting a new series in a new genre. I have my first fantasy novel coming out this spring and I am stupidly happy about it. I have the first eight books already planned out, and the prequel written and nearly ready to hand out for free.

I will keep writing romance and erotica, but more than likely I will post them to KU only. I also have fun plans to write “unromance” stories, probably straight to my blog. Little fun things where it does not go right. She finds Mr. Wrong. He’s turned off by her neediness. The alpha male slams her up against the wall, smothers her with a deep kiss to lay his claim, and she knees him in the balls and pepper sprays him. She’s a super shy virgin that says she isn’t sure if she’s really into being his sub, he shrugs and calls her a cab. Just fun little things I write and usually delete.

I’ve also started working with OurWriteSide where I am helping other authors get published and learning a ton about the bigger picture of being an indie author. To be honest I am learning so much from them and the classes they host that I can’t even imagine, yet, where that is going to take me in the next year let alone three years from now. I reckon you’ll have to watch me to find out.

9. And here’s a deep question: If people did these 3 things, the world would be a better place.

Accept what you don’t understand.

Don’t expect everyone to be like you or other people you’ve known.

Once you learn what holds you back; let it go. An anchor only works if you remain attached to it.

10. Since I’m a big fan of you and am thankful of having you here, I’d like to say thanks one more time and to invite you to share your links, because you are too cool a human not to share. Where can people find you and what can they expect to find?

You can expect all kinds of hijinks and absurdity. Also recipes, sexy writing, random facts, mythology, and squirrels. If you wanna hear me chat about all those things you can look for Beautiful Book Geeks on youtube and Facebook.

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