
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Author Resources: Book Reviewer Sandy Vattimo

We often do reviews on books, musicians, movies, and even a restaurant, but what about reviewers themselves. There are actually some people who adore writing a good review. Some do it for the passion and others can actually make some income off it, which is a testament to the power of a good review.

Being an indie author, I know just how hard it can be to get a review even if your work is great (which I truly hope mine is). So I got to thinking, why not review some of my favorite reviewers? And thus, the creation of yet another series on this blog comes about and I wanted to start with Sandy Vattimo.

I’ve honestly been blessed with some great reviewers on my work and Sandy is definitely among the people I always want to hear from because like other great reviewers: she’s honest, she’s fair, she looks beyond the obvious, and she likes to present the most meaningful aspects of a work. For me, honesty is always an important element because an honest review can lead you on a path to better writing.

For some reviews she’s done on my work, click on the book title:

Only Human, Shadow of a Human, and one of my favorite reviews ever for Between The Tides (she wrote it in verse, how amazing is that?)

If you want to read her full reviews, go to or follow her on Twitter.

On a personal note, my thanks to Sandy and all the other amazing reviewers kind enough to review my work. Your words have power and fuel a writer when he’s struggling, so thank you. And to all you fellow authors looking for a solid reviewer, check Sandy out and keep an eye out for more great reviewers.

Peace, love, and maki rolls.

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