Friday, January 17, 2025

The Cake Guy

I’ve lived in Atlanta for almost 9 years and people still write to me or mention my Mom’s cakes in conversation. In my life, I’ve had many names: Jorge, George, Jorge Alberto (if I heard that, I knew I’d done it), Cheech, Giogio, Gio and in the last decade JD. Still, there was a recurring name I was given in many a job I had back home: the Cake Guy.


Now, although I’ve learned to bake some of Mom’s cakes although to a lesser degree (albeit still respectable), Mom was always the Cake Queen. The amount of birthdays, weddings, sweet sixteens, quinceañeros, parties, gatherings, and all sorts of festivities that included one of Mom’s cakes was easily in the hundreds and possibly in the thousands. Beyond that, I’d often tell Mom to bake a certain amount of cakes and that I would sell them for her in the office, thusly becoming the unofficial (but probably quite official) distributor for Marietta’s Sweets, in addition to my duties as a creative copywriter in advertising and public relations. To keep things on the up and up, I would often talk with a supervisor or someone from HR to make sure everyone was OK with this sweet side hustle, although I mainly got paid in cake and love. Fortunately, I never encountered any “buts”. Quite the contrary actually. They’d thank me and in the same paragraph ask me when I could bring some cakes. Please note, cakes. Plural.


So for monthly birthday celebrations, I’d bring, one or two (even up to three) of Mom’s cakes. At some offices, I had a part of my desk dedicated to the storage of cakes. As a promotor, I was always beyond confident in the product because not only did I know the chef, I had the privilege of trying those cakes from batter to bundt, sometimes with only enough time out of the oven to be able to de-mold.


On more than one occasion people would ask me if I worried that someone wouldn’t take me seriously at work for selling Mom’s cakes or if I thought it would affect me in any way. I’d reply that I always deliver what I have in the pipeline and that one thing has nothing to do with the other. Besides, it was for Mom and I’d do anything for her, and this especially since it brought Her joy as well as anyone fortunate enough to snag a piece of cake. That’s how I was in four different jobs I had. With either days dedicated to the delivery of cakes or with a cake (or several) available at my desk, ready to go to anyone who had heard stories or wanted to confirm their in-depth flavor theories of the levels of deliciousness contained within those cakes, while I delivered every task I had been assigned. Her heart was always full when she knew her cakes were a hit and that people often fought for a second piece (never violent, but plenty insistent).


Nowadays, although I no longer sell cakes, they live on in my stories. Mrs. Fawn is one of my absolute favorite characters to write because she’s inspired by Mom. She appears in several of my books because she’s not bound by any rules, literary or otherwise. She has a universal magic that is welcome in any story she wants to step in and she’s with me in everything. Aside from her pivotal role in the cosmos, Mrs. Fawn doesn’t limit herself to that type of magic. There’s always a slice of lemon cake nearby to offer weary travelers sweet nourishment with a side of smiles.


As I mentioned above, I was witness to the entire process to make one of Marietta’s cakes. From the batter, I knew it’d be on point. From how it looked, to how it flowed silkily into the mold and the Elysian aromas that would hug every corner of the house as magic did its thing within the oven. But beyond the recipe, there was something she included in each and every cake of which there was no shortage in her pantry: love.


Today would have been 76 and although we toast to you today, the fact is that every time I raise my glass, your name is there apart from having it tattoed in my soul. With my stories, the legacy of her cakes continues in a way, because although I may be many things, part of me shall always be the Cake Guy and Marietta’s youngest.


Thanks for reading,


Peace, love, lemon cake and Cheers Mama Estrada.




El muchacho de los bizcochos

Llevo en Atlanta casi 9 años y todavía hay gente que me hablan de los bizcochos de mi Madre. He tenido muchos nombres en mi vida: Jorge, George, Jorge Alberto (uy de mí si escuchaba ese), Cheech, Giogio, Gio y en la última década, JD. Ahora hubo un nombre por el cual me conocieron en muchos trabajos cuando estaba en Puerto Rico: el muchacho de los bizcochos.


Aunque he aprendido a hacer algunos de los bizcochos de Mama con un nivel de éxito inferior, pero al menos respetable, la de los bizcochos siempre fue mi Madre. La cantidad de cumpleaños, bodas, quinceañeros, fiestas, reuniones y festividades que contaban con un bizcocho de Marietta fácilmente raya en los cientos y posiblemente en los miles. A menudo yo le decía a Mama que hiciera cierta cantidad de bizcochos que yo se los vendía en la oficina, así volviéndome en distribuidor oficial de Marietta’s Sweets aparte de mis labores como redactor creativo en publicidad y relaciones públicas. Esto quiere decir que a menudo tenía que hablar con un supervisor o alguien de recursos humanos para que estuvieran bien con esas actividades ya que no me quería quedar con los bizcochos y sin la soga ni la cabra. Nunca tuve un pero. Al revés, me lo agradecían y me preguntaban para cuándo pudiese traer bizcochos.


Para la celebración de los cumpleaños del mes a menudo traía uno o dos (o hasta tres) bizcochos de Mama. En otras oficinas tenía una parte de mi escritorio dedicada al almacenamiento de bizcochos. De promotor, siempre hablaba confiado porque no sólo conocía a la chef, sino que tenía la dicha de probar los bizcochos desde las paletas de cuando estaba lista la mezcla hasta literalmente minutos salido del horno.


En más de una ocasión me preguntaban que si me preocupaba que en el trabajo no me tomarían en serio por vender bizcochos o si me afectaría. Contestaba que siempre cumpliría con todo lo que se me pediría porque una cosa no tiene que ver con la otra. Además, es mi Madre y por ella lo que fuera y más esto, que le traía felicidad a ella y a toda persona que se llevara un pedazo de sus bizcochos. Así fue en cuatro oficinas que trabajé. Con días dedicados a traer bizcochos o con un bizcocho o una bolsa de bizcochos en mi escritorio, listo para vender, aunque siempre cumpliendo con mis labores. Ella siempre le llenaba el corazón saber que sus bizcochos eran un hit y que la gente a menudo no se conformaba con un pedazo.


Hoy por hoy, aunque ya no vendo bizcochos siguen vivos en mis cuentos. Mrs. Fawn es de mis personajes favoritos para escribir porque es inspirada por mi madre. Aparece en varios de mis libros que no están relacionados porque ese personaje carga una magia universal y ella está conmigo en todo. Además de su rol importantísimo en el cosmos, Mrs. Fawn no se limita a ese tipo de magia, ya que siempre tiene un pedazo de bizcocho de limón listo para brindarle a alguien en su camino, para endulzarle la vida y traerle una sonrisa con cada bocado.


Como mencioné arriba, era testigo del proceso entero de la creación de un bizcocho de Marietta. Desde la mezcla ya sabía que iba a quedar en su punto, aunque también el semblante de esta, la delicadeza como pasaba la mezcla al molde y sus aromas encantadores que permeaban la casa entera mientras la magia se daba en el horno. Pero más allá de la receta, había algo que no podía faltar y que se incluía en cada bizcocho y que siempre hubo en sobreabundancia de su parte: amor.


Hoy hubiesen sido 76 y aunque brindamos por ti hoy, la realidad es que cada vez que levanto una copa, tu nombre está ahí y lo llevo tatuado en el alma. Con mis cuentos, sigo el legado de los bizcochos porque aunque seré muchas cosas, parte de mí siempre será el muchacho de los bizcochos.


Gracias por acompañarnos hoy.


Dos abrazos, un pedacito de bizcocho de limón y Cheers Mama Estrada.




Sunday, January 12, 2025

Regresa la Marcha de los Escritores, Edición 2025

El año pasado mucha gente me agradeció que les traje los temas de la Marcha de los Escritores con más tiempo porque hay quienes les gusta estar más organizados. 2025 comenzó y wow, desde ya promete el año en mantenernos entretenido así que este esfuerzo es también para mantener el balance y darles la oportunidad a escritores a darse a conocer y a conectar con lectores y otros escritores.


Si esta es tu primera vez en este blog o escuchando/leyendo de la Marcha de los Escritores, no te preocupes. Estaremos hablando mucho más de esto en las próximas semanas en lo que nos preparamos. Pero aquí una pequeña definición para que sepas que es.


La Marcha de los escritores es un evento para escritores o en realidad, cualquier persona creativa que tiene temas para cada día del mes. Su intención es darte a conocer a lectores y escritores para que conectes para que conozcamos a la persona más allá de la persona que escribe.


Las reglas del juego:


A. Interpreta los temas como quieras. Aquí la única regla es pasarla bien, disfrutar y conectar.


B. NO tienes que participar todos los días. ¿Te perdiste un día? ¿No entiendes o no te gusta un tema y lo quieres brincar? ¿Quieres hacer todos los temas por semana o de una? Pa lanteeee. Aquí mandas tú y de nuevo, la única regla es que disfrutes. ¿Quieres hacer poemas, audio, videos de YouTube o TikTok, arte, o ensayos? Con TODO el gusto.


C. Puedes unirte cuando quieras. La Marcha es INCLUSIVA no exclusiva y la idea es de conectar.


Lo más importante es pasarla bien.

Eso sí, cuando hagas un post, recuerda hacerme un tag y usar los siguientes hashtags:







Ahora, sin más espera, ¡los temas!!!


1.         Introduciendo…

Esta es tu introducción de autor. Cuéntanos, ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas escribiendo? ¿Ya publicaste algún libro? ¿Qué géneros escribes? ¿De dónde eres? Y cualquier otro detalle para que tus lectores te conozcan mejor.


2.        Defínete.

¿Si fueses una definición de un diccionario, qué diría?


3.        ¿Musiquita o silencio?

¿Escribes con música puesta? ¿Esto influye lo que estás escribiendo? ¿O prefieres el silencio? ¿Has visto el pleilist de March of the writers? ¿Tienes canciones que crees que serían perfectas para incluir?


4.        Rituales autorísticos

A veces necesitamos motivarnos para escribir. A veces sólo nos hace falta sentarnos para poner manos a la obra. ¿Cuáles son algunos de tus rituales?


5.        Tierra sagrada

¿Hay algún sitio que haya inspirado tus obras? ¿O es que hay algún sitio cuya existencia permitió que te diera de lleno la inspiración? ¿Dónde son y cómo te inspiraron?


6.        Recovecos

Cuándo y dónde se escribe a menudo depende de la persona que por X o Y razón permiten que las palabras fluyan. ¿Cuáles son algunos de tus sitios favoritos para escribir?


7.        Método a nuestra locura

El escribir es un proceso de lo más curioso y todos tenemos tácticas para evitar problemas con la trama, mejorar nuestra escritura, evitar errores ortográficos y mil otras cosas. Danos algunos consejos o describe tu proceso de escritura.


8.        Manantial de ideas

Como escritores, una de las cosas más importantes que nos toca hacer es capturar las ideas. Sea usando un proceso, meditanto o utilizando múltiples herramientas para capturar ideas, cuéntanos: ¿cómo conectas con tu creatividad o te aseguras que no se te escapen las ideas?


9.        Hábitos saludables

Cada año incluyo este tema porque hay tantos consejos excelentes para mantenerse saludable en cuerpo y mente, que necesitamos este espacio para compartir ese conocimiento. ¿Has hecho algo que haya sido un cambio radical para tu salud, ya sea en la escritura o en la vida? ¿Has establecido un calendario o un horario para escribir? ¿Has eliminado aplicaciones? ¿Has dejado o comenzado a hacer cosas para tu bienestar que crees que podrían ayudar a los demás? Pues comparte la riqueza.


10.      Distanciamiento social

En el último año, MUCHAS personas han decidido no participar en algunas plataformas de redes sociales o algunas plataformas han sido o serán prohibidas. Esto puede ser preocupante para algunos, pero para otros, es un cambio bienvenido de cosas que podrían no valer la pena. ¿Qué piensas de esta tendencia? ¿Has dejado de participar en algunas plataformas o eventos?


11.       Haciéndolo personal

¿Incluyes cosas únicas y particulares en tus historias o tus escritos en general para premiar a tus lectores, especialmente a aquellos que leen más de uno de tus libros, poemas o historias?


12.      ¿Por dónde todavía andas?

El 2024 fue un año para borrar aplicaciones y elegir no participar en ciertos eventos o utilizar ciertos sitios web. ¿Qué aplicaciones y eventos aún utilizas y participas y por qué?


13.      Adelante que tú puedes.

A veces necesitamos una bofetada y a veces necesitamos una mano amiga. ¿Qué palabras de apoyo has recibido y quisieras compartir o decirle a otros?


14.      ¿Dónde en el mundo…?

¿En cuántos países te leen o tienes seguidores? Este es un pequeño ejercicio para mostrarte tu alcance porque a veces tienes seguidores donde menos te lo esperas. Además, lectores, esta es su oportunidad dejarnos saber desde dónde nos leen. Y, escritores, ¿dónde más te gustaría que te leyeran?


15.      Mama IA

Uno de los temas que continuará siendo un gran tema de contención lo es la IA, su uso y abuso. Cuéntanos tu opinión a favor o en contra de la IA. Si te opones vehementemente, qué cosas buenas podría traer. Si estás a favor cuéntanos pero de paso dinos, ¿qué te preocupa?


16.      A evolucionar

¿Cómo te sientas que has evolucionado como escritor?


17.      Combustible de escritores Pt 1- gustitos

Antes de conquistar a veces necesitamos algo para comer. ¿Qué snacks son tus favoritos a la hora de escribir o leer?


18.      Las 3 Ps: Plotter, Pantser, Plantser.

¿Cuál eres?


19.      ¡Café vs. té!

¿Cuál gana y cómo lo tomas? ¿Mejor y peor té/café que has tomado?


20.     ¡Allá nos vemos!

¿Tienes algún evento en agenda? ¡Cuéntanos!


21.      Compinches.

Una de las mejores cosas sobre ser parte de la comunidad de escritores es eso mismo, la comunidad. Cuéntanos de tu experiencia con la comunidad y el impacto de algunas personas en tu trayectoria.


22.      Competitivamente competente

¿Alguna vez haz participado o participarías en una competencia de escribir? Si es así, cuéntanos tu experiencia. Si no te simpatizan, dinos por qué.


23.      Marcadores maravillosos.

Este tema es de los favoritos todos los años, así que luce tu colección de marcadores de libros.


24.      ¡Alerta escritores!

Otro tema muy popular es compartir cosas para que todos estemos pendientes. Hay estafadores a cada esquina y nos toca cuidarnos los unos a los otros.


25.      Saliendo de la zona de confort

¿Has pensado o hasta intentado escribir en otro medio? ¿Libretos, teatro, poesía o hasta una canción? ¿Posiblemente un género diferente? Si es así, ¿dinos qué te gustaría explorar y por qué?


26.      Combustible de escritores Pt 2: influencias

Como escritores, la influencia es inspiración pueden venir de muchos sitios. Por supuestos, algunas personas que nos inspiran nos pueden decepcionar, pero la influencia sigue aquí. ¿Quién sirvió de influencia para ti?


27.      Identidad secreta.

La mayoría de la gente que yo conozco no pueden vivir de sus libros y tienen trabajos cotidianos (y no tan cotidianos). A veces piensan que vivimos una vida doble y para algunas personas, pues ciertamente es el caso, ya que tienen una personalidad especial que es MUY diferente a su yo del día a día. ¿En qué trabajas y eres igual en línea y en vida real cuándo estás en tus actividades de autor o hay un tú diferente para esos eventos especiales?


28.     Recomendados por la casa.

TODOS tenemos nuestros favoritos así que comparte los tuyos en música, películas, arte, video juegos, libros y cualquier otra cosa que nos quieras compartir.


29.      Combustible de escritores Pt 3: Recompensándonos

Como escritores, podemos ser hasta crueles con nosotros mismos así que es sólo justo el que nos celebremos con el MISMO entusiasmo. ¿Cómo te premias?


30.     Lista de deseos.

Siempre está el miedo que compartir nuestros deseos pueden hacer que no se nos den, pero también pienso que compartir nuestra visión puede ser poderoso. ¿Qué son algunas cosas en tu lista de deseos para este año y el futuro?


31.      A continuación…

¿Qué podemos esperar de ti en el futuro y cómo nos podemos mantener en contacto?



March of the Writers: 2025 Edition!

Another year, another March is on its way fellow writers! Like last year, I’m sharing the prompts with plenty of time so you can get ready, in case you want to record or do something bigger or that requires more planning or a bit more time. And like last year, you are free to interpret each prompt in your own way.


If this is your first time hearing about March of the Writers, no worries. There will be more posts and videos explaining what we do during March but for an elevator pitch version of the definition, here we go:

March of the Writers is a month-long event where you will have a prompt per day. The idea is for you to post on your preferred social media platform, newsletter, blog, or what have you and let readers and fellow authors get to know you a bit better.


The rules of play are simple:


A.    You can approach prompts however you want. The idea is to get creative, have fun, and connect.

B.    You do NOT need to participate every day. If you missed a day, no harm, no foul. You can either catch up or skip it altogether.

C.    You can join WHENEVER you want. Heck, want to do it in another month? Why not? But March is when most people who participate will do it.


Also, SUPER IMPORTANT, make sure to use the following hashtags when you post:






And now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to the prompts!


1.         Introducing…

This is your author into. Tell us, how long have you been writing, have you published any books, what genres do you write in, where are you from, and anything else your readers might want to know.


2.        Define yourself.

If you were a dictionary definition, what does it include?


3.        Tune up or enjoy the silence?

Do you write with music on? Does it influence your writing? Do you prefer silence? Have you checked out the March of the Writers Playlist? Do you have some tracks you think would be great to include in it?


4.        Author rituals

Sometimes we need to motivate ourselves to get our write on. Sometimes we just sit down and get things done. What are some of your writing rituals?


5.        Hallowed ground

Are there any locations that have inspired your work? Is there any place that for some reason allowed inspiration to hit? Where are they and how did they inspire?


6.        Nooks and crannies

Where and when we get our write on depends on the person and we each have places that for some reason let the words flow. What are some of your favorite places to write?


7.        Method to Madness

Writing is such a curious process and we all have things we do to either sort plot holes, improve our writing, catch typos, or what have you. Give us some tips or describe your writing process.


8.        Idea well

As writers, one of the most important things we have to do is capture ideas. Whether it’s a process, meditation, or using a variety of capture tools, how do you tap into your creativity or make sure that ideas don’t run away?


9.        Healthy habits

Every year I include this topic because there are so many great tips to stay healthy in body and mind, that we need this space to share the wealth. Have you done something that was a game changer for your health whether it's in writing or life? Have you gotten a writing schedule? Have you deleted apps? Have you stopped or started doing things for your wellbeing that you think could help others? Then share the wealth.


10.      Social distancing

In the last year, a LOT of people have opted out of social media or some platforms have been or will be banned. This might be worrying to some, but for others, it’s a welcome pruning of things that might not be worth the price of admission or yielding proper return of investments. What do you think of this trend and have you stopped participating in some platforms/events?


11.       Making it personal

Do you include unique things in your stories and writing in general to reward your readers, especially those who read more than one of your books, poems, or stories?


12.      Where are you still at?

2024 was the year of deleting apps and saying no to certain events, websites, etc. Which apps and events are you keeping and why?


13.      You’ve got this.

Sometimes we need a kick in the ass and sometimes we need a shoulder to cry on. What are some words of encouragement you’ve received, and you’d like to pay forward?


14.      Where in the world?

How many countries are you read in or have people that follow you? This is a small exercise to show you your reach and that sometimes, you have followers where you least expect them. Also, readers, this is your chance to let us know where you’re reading us from? Also, writers, where else would you like to be read?


15.      May I AI?

One of the elephants in the room continues to be AI, the use, misuse, enthuse, and abuse of it. Get your soap box out and make your case for or against AI. If you are vehemently against it, what are some good things that come from AI? If you are for AI, defend your stance but also share some of your areas of concern.


16.      Do the evolution

How do you feel you’ve evolved as a writer from when you started to where you are now?


17.      Writer fuel Pt 1- Snacks

Before we conquer, sometimes we need to snack. What’s a go-to fuel for you while reading or writing?


18.      The 3 Ps: Plotter, Pantser, Plantser.

Which are you?


19.      Coffee vs. Tea!

Which wins and how do you have it? Where is the worst coffee/tea you’ve had and the best?


20.     It’s a date!

Do you have events scheduled for the year or special meetups? Let us know!


21.      We go together.

One of the absolute best things about writing is the community. Tell us about your experience with the community and how some people have had an impact on you.


22.      Competitive drive

Have you ever or would you ever enter a writing competition? If so tell us about the experience. If it’s not your cuppa, tell us why.


23.      Bookmark palooza.

This is a favorite of a lot of people, so flex your swag and show us your bookmark collection.


24.      Writer Beware!

Another popular entry is to share things we should ALL keep an eye out for. Scammers are gonna scam and we gotta stick together.


25.      Beyond the comfort zone

Have you ever thought about or tried writing in a different form? Script, play, poetry, or even song. Maybe a different genre? If so, what would you like to try and why?


26.      Writer fuel Pt 2: influences

As writers, influence can come from many places. Sure, some of those might end up disappointing us, but the influence is still there.


27.      Secret identity.

MOST people I know can’t live off their writing and have a regular (or not so regular) day job. Some people think we live double lives and for some people, that is the case, having a creative persona that is starkly different to who and how they are. What’s your day job and are you the same online/offline and when you’re doing your authorly things, or is there a different setting for you?


28.     Author picks.

We ALL have our favorites, so share your faves in music, movies, art, video games, books, or anything you’d like to highlight.


29.      Writer fuel Pt 3: Reward time

As writers, we can be very brutal with ourselves, so it’s only fair to celebrate with the same verve. How do you reward yourself?


30.     Wishlist.

There’s always that fear that speaking our wishes out loud might make them not come true, but I also believe that sharing our vision can be very powerful. What are some things on your wishlist for this year and in the future?


31.      To be continued…

What’s on the horizon for you and how can we keep in touch?


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Celebrating 3 Kings Day/Celebrando los 3 Reyes

Although 3 Kings Day was yesterday, I want my first post of the year to celebrate 3 Kings Day (which some countries observe as Epiphany). It’s a feast day commemorating the visit of the 3 Wise Men or the Magi to Jesus. In Puerto Rico and in Hispanic and Latino countries in general, it is observed nationally. For many people back home, the tradition includes putting shoe boxes full of grass for the camels of the 3 Wise Men to eat when they visit and the food traditions roam from big stews to eating a Rosca de Reyes. 


However you celebrate it, or if you don’t but want to partake in celebrations, I’m putting 5 of my books for sale this week. 


So if you’ve got $5 you can get 5 eBooks.


Daydreams on the Sherbet Shore Volumes 1 & 2


Given to Fly




Only Human – Book 1 of the Human Cycle


It’s my way of saying thanks to my readers and to celebrate a tradition a lot of people may not know or celebrate.


Peace, love, and Feliz Día de los Reyes




Por excelencia la gente recibe regalos más grandes y pomposos para la Navidad que para el día de los Reyes. Aunque ayer fue el Día de los Reyes, quería extender la celebración aún más así que puse 5 de mis libros a la venta en Amazon. Si tienes Kindle y quieres añadirle a tu lista de libros del año, en confianza aprovecha.


Es un pequeño detalle para celebrar nuestra latinidad ya que los Reyes no se celebran en los EE. UU. pero pues, en PR nos gusta celebrar y quería empezar el año con un detallito de agradecimiento a todos los que me leen. Mil gracias por el apoyo, el cariño y todo el amor que recibí en mi viaje más reciente a la Isla. Se les quiere y brindamos con coquito o pitorro.


Dos abrazos y un adiós,



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Another NoNo from NaNo?

For those who don’t know, November has been known as National Novel Writing Month for some time and writers of all likes have participated in NaNoWriMo to finish a novel within a month. It’s spawned two Camp NaNoWriMo months and I’ve participated in both.

Last year, they were in very hot water for how they handled allegations of grooming and sexual misconduct on their forums. They offered a response, adjusted, adjusted it further, and were reactive to what is a very dicey situation. A lot of things have been speculated about NaNo since then and once again they find themselves in hot water with another problematic situation, this time sharing their stance on the use of AI. They emitted their opinion and have already started adjusting and I can't help but feel like they're treading water again.


I’d seen the buzz doing the rounds so I read NaNoWrimo's stance on AI, which you can read here. In the last year, the conversation on AI has been increasing as has been the overall use of it. I've seen positive applications of AI technology in certain circles and I'm all for using it ethically...however, the prevalent use of AI as a cost-cutting measure is abundantly clear in countless industries and ignoring that is ignorant at best.


Last year there was the actor's strike because studios wanted to pay an initial paltry sum and then use your likeness in perpetuity. With the level of shafting actors and creators get, this is an additional slap in the face. The strike was a no-brainer. During the last two years, the amount of "digital artists" who have started “offering their services” by using generative AI to sell results of prompts has multiplied several times over.


Working in advertising I'm seeing the use of AI continue to increase at all levels. I'm seeing applications where I see the benefit and I see others where it is a bit worrying. Working as a copywriter in a creative department, one of my tasks is to come up with concepts or texts to either sell, convince, or communicate.


In addition, another big chunk of what I do is translating and transcreating.


Translating is just the ask of taking one message from one language and effectively transposing the same message to another.


Transcreation is making adjustments to make sure it's culturally relevant. So, for a bare-bones example, in one you try and figure out how to translate the term cherry slushy while with transcreation you go a step beyond and figure out if you need to even change the object so that people can relate to the core idea and not get distracted by what a cherry slushy is.


I've seen bilingual catastrophes since I was an English mentor in college over 20 years ago and I still see occasions where people use a text translator, copy-paste, and do NOT proofread or fail to do a proper quality assessment.


THIS is one of my main problems with AI and certain tools, i.e. people getting lazy, complacent, or not doing their due diligence. What I've also noticed is certain questions in conversations with internal and external clients that make me raise an eyebrow...


I'm human and not perfect and if I see a preference in a term or how to phrase something that is equal to what was written originally but sets someone at ease, the odds are in favor of me being OK with that change as long as it makes sense. I do this so people see that I take their opinion onboard and that I welcome people to challenge what was written to get to the best possible option and yes, a change in a word can make a big difference.


But some questions prompt me to use either Google Translate or ChatGPT to verify a gut feeling.


Working so long in communications, I sometimes get a peculiar feeling of where a question is coming from, and when I take the original English and pass it through either Google Translate, Linguee, or ChatGPT (among other options), I have often found what I'm being suggested. Sometimes the option works and sometimes it doesn't, and actually, quite often it doesn't work so you need to know why something doesn't work to defend the original text or look for a third option. Here is one example where AI technology is problematic and I'm being ultra-specific because it can be that specific.


I see the use in this example and you can make a case that it's trying to make sure that the work was done correctly or trying to give people tools to verify work that's being done rather than just take our word for it that it's OK. What's curious is that humans are questioned more often than the results of a prompt or at least it sometimes feels that way.


I've also seen people say they know another language when they clearly don't. From written examples to casting calls where someone thinks that “fake it until you make it” also applies to language. This is why when we do casting calls for Spanish ads, I worry when we get from certain cities, but more on that later.


When it comes to design, I've seen many other companies using AI heavily, because the due date for deliverables is too aggressive to do X or Y thing without using every single tool in your arsenal.


And things are delivered.


And the client sees that they can be delivered.


And this brings additional issues.


The creative process is ever more rushed. Btw, I'm not saying I haven't been rushed before and haven't done crazy turnaround times. In a job way back, I knew to develop 3 entire creative ad campaigns with Print, Radio, Out of Home, TV Scripts, and digital adaptations within 3 days and then have to present with a fresh face.








But we did it.


And we did it well.


But I always wonder what we could have done with an extra day or two. Maybe cock around? Or maybe a better idea could have come about. Both are possible.


The problem is that once you deliver something in a crazy time frame, that becomes the new bar. The use of AI and how I've seen timetables impacted also raises a flag.


Clients want more work, quicker, but at the same price, or why not ask for it cheaper? Within this there are a bevy of topics to discuss, I know, but for this case, let's focus on delivering something fast and that becoming a problem. What if you can't deliver? What if another project overlaps?


None of this is the client's problem.


They have a need (though often it's a want more than a need) and you have to deliver.




But hiring more people is not an option.


So, you rely on any and all tools to get the job done.


Btw, quality and strategy often suffer but this isn't a priority to some clients. I can't say many or all, but none? That I cannot say either.


Above are just some of the examples of how AI is impacting the day-to-day life of companies and I'm not even mentioning customer service, research, proposal drafting, hiring processes, tech, and beyond. When you turn back the lens to creative work, meaning books, music, art, film, and more, there are more problems to be had, many of which a lot of people standing to make money wouldn't mind ignoring.


NaNoWrimo's stance kind of hints that they can't full-fledged say no or cancel the use of AI or any technology. They have since slightly adjusted their message to include the paragraph that's highlighted in this screenshot.


So, is AI a big umbrella technology? Yes.


Is its use being regulated? No or it’s just starting.


Are people taking advantage of this? Yes.


Beyond clicking a box that says you didn't use AI to generate artwork or content, are large companies like Amazon doing anything to check for the use of AI? Unclear.


Are people using AI to develop manuscripts, covers, translations, and other creative materials? Yes. We don't know to what extent, but it's been happening and will continue to happen and with some worrying results.


Some people might make a case that generative AI can’t produce quality work. However, in 2022 the winner of an art contest won using AI generated art.


People were not happy.


Also in the last 2 years, it’s more common to see digital artists struggle to find freelance work. Dismissing any correlation seems irresponsible. You can make a case for some applications. However, other applications are extremely concerning because the intent of companies to streamline processes, cut costs, and reduce personnel is blatant. In the creative spectrum, the impact is also being felt...and it's not to make things better. Quicker and more efficient? Yes. But better…that depends on what you mean by better.


When it comes to books, working with artists who don't use AI and working in tandem is an option, especially if you want a unique cover that breaks through the clutter and that can stand out from the shelf. There are also options for people without the means to pay for a cover to develop simple covers for books.


In my experience, I’ve used Canva and I’ve done so without using their AI tools, instead using simple elements to capture the essence of the book. When I’ve needed something more complicated, I’ve set aside a budget and hired illustrators and artists. Below are some of my books.


Books 1 and 2, I made those covers.

Book 3 was designed by Melissa Lettis

Book 4 was designed by Karelys Luna


NaNoWrimo wants to make a case for using Ai to develop covers to even the field...I disagree with this stance because AI as used in this scenario is generative AI which feeds off original and copyrighted work. I would suggest keeping it simpler or looking for more cost-effective options, like pre-made covers instead of using generative AI. But that's my opinion. I say this because if you save money and pay for the right person, that's doable and if you put in the time and effort, you may still get a decent to great cover. If you also find the right person, then how much is it worth it to use the right person for the job? For the Human Cycle, I worked with José Arocho and he was able to navigate the ask amazingly well and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Some people may say that I used stock images or vector illustrations from a website to make my simpler covers. This is true, but I read the usage rights and the images and illustrations/elements I've chosen were either clear to use, or I paid for their use.


That's very different from going to AI platforms, typing in a prompt, downloading the result, and putting your name on the artwork without researching anything. If you choose to do this because regulations aren't set in place yet, that's your choice, but know that you may be served with a Cease & Desist sooner rather than later. And again, it's your choice.


My choice is to work with artists when I have the means and to do simple covers when I do not. My choice is to also work with editors from here on out because I've seen the value of their work and have found options of people I trust and prefer that to depending solely on software.


AI offers many murky waters to navigate and will impact every aspect of life in the foreseeable future. Skynet analogies will come full force and you will have choices to make. For me, I shall keep writing by hand and transcribing because it's part of my process. I shall also keep working directly with artists because I see my covers and I don't see any like them...and that makes me happy.


At the end of the day, if you have to spin something to not feel bad about your decision, then what does that say about what you're doing?


That's for you to answer.


Peace, love, and maki rolls.