We all have
our mountain, it could be a job promotion, it could be losing weight, it could
be learning a new language or skill, it could be winning a prize, it could be
writing an entire first draft during a month (go NaNo go NaNo go!) or it could
just be to finally do something you’ve been putting off for years. I’ve only
been alive for 34 years, and in that time I’ve learned that although having
someone believe in you can give you that extra push, the main propulsion comes
from within.
If you say
you want it mean it.
Show that you
want it.
No excuses.
No fears.
Do it.
Only Human
took me over 7 years to complete. That’s more than a Bachelor’s Degree and a
short Master’s. That’s well over 2,500 days. Some moments it was fast, others
it was slow, editing was torture, transcribing took me months… still, I never
doubted for one single second I was going to finish and publish it. I wasn’t
worried about the how or the specifics. I just knew it was going to get done.
There was no
other option.
There was no
exit route.
this process, there have been voices of support and voices of criticism. That’s
the nature of when you want to do something that matters. You will hear both
sides of the story, the good and the bad. People who believe in you, people who
will question your methods, people who will wonder how you can do that and
congratulate you and people who wonder why you want to do that and consider it
a waste of time.
This applies
to anything you set your heart to.
You will be
offered support, reasons to quit, escape routes, and countless other paths.
Stay on
course. Listen, learn and accept criticism, support, questioning and love equally.
In the end, it may influence but it shouldn’t matter.
Be deaf and
blind and dumb to everything that might distract you. The mountain is still
there. It isn’t going anywhere and you will always have two choices, keep
climbing up or go back down.
I never
looked back or questioned my path. I’ve been called brilliant and ballsy and
have also been tossed to the side as someone who self published with a vanity
Everyone is
entitled to their opinion, as am I, as are you.
My opinion
has never changed. I have a story. I want to share it. I want to share it on my
terms. I am willing to invest time, money, effort and put my name on something
I believe in. It might have been quicker at sometimes more so than others… still. I always
climbed up. The fingers of my patience might have hurt, but they never
Seven years
is a long time… that is until you conquer your goal it seems like only yesterday you started.
So here’s to
listening to the good and bad, to appreciating the support and the naysayers
and to always climbing.
After all,
it’s just a mountain.
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