Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Writer Wednesday: Caroline Burke

I truly believe variety is the spice of life. This Writer Wednesday series is to showcase people from drastically different backgrounds and see what we can find when we go into interview mode.

That said, as a reader, I also enjoy reading different types of things because I believe that one should know a bit about everything and a lot of what we’re passionate about. That’s why I’m a fan of Stumble Upon and why my research is so random. I love to read about anything that’s well written, because if a person has talent, is genuine and has spark, then I definitely have time for what that person has to say. Caroline Burke has all of these characteristics and runs a fashion blog with enviable design and wonderful tips for your home and fashion. Apart from being a lovely person, she has talent and who am I to not spread the word?

1. Firstly, thanks so much from taking the time to answer these questions. So first things first, who is Caroline Burke, what does she do for a living and how does that vary from what you do on your blog?

​Well she's pretty darn similar to the person you see on my blog. Blogging has taken over my life so I spend all my time working on new projects. I'm not sure where Caroline ends and Burkatron begins anymore!​ Outside of blogging I'm an artist by trade who also dabbles in the bioscience industry so I'm a bit of a mixed bag!

2. What was your inspiration for the Burkatron blog and how has the experience been connecting with people through different social media platforms?

​My inspiration is really my desire to share with people and hopefully inspire them to be creative! When someone recreates one of my DIY projects or tries their hand at one of my nail art's it's so rewarding! Connecting with likeminded people on social media is definitely one of the highlights of blogging, I've made friends with people in other countries and connected with readers in a way I never knew was possible. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram are so rewarding and utterly addictive! I genuinely feel like I have friends out there typing away behind their laptops :)

3. Ok, where does the name Burkatron come from? It’s like your superhero or Godzilla fighting robot name and it’s also quite catchy. :D

​Haha! Well I'm not sure if I'm ready to come out of the superhero closet yet. I'll stick with the more mundane explanation ;) It's a nickname my boyfriend gave me! When I started blogging, I wasn't sure what to call my blog so Burkatron it became :)

(Although I'm pretty certain I'd be a kick ass fighting robot should the opportunity arise)

4. What are the main messages you want to communicate with what you do?

​To experiment and be playful. Nothing on my blog is too weighty. I think real life is serious enough- my blog is my place​ to be creative.

5. Most people would be happier if they did these 5 things.

Say no more.
​Love recklessly.
​E​mbrace their flaws​.
​Write a list (this always makes me happy haha!)​

6. What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten?

My kitten, he's called Kipper and he is an absolute rascal! Whenever I'm feeling stressed he curls up around my neck like a little scarf and somehow all is right with the world again :)

7. A super hero emails you that they need an outfit and has no idea how to make one. They have all sorts of materials in their home, how do you help them make the perfect super hero costume with easy to follow DIY tips?

​Well every superhero needs a cape right? I think that's where I'd start! I imagine they wouldn't have much time on their hands (with saving the world and all that jazz) so I'd keep it simple​!​ I think an old sheet would be good cape material. Add some Velcro on the shoulders to keep it in place ​and voila... instant superhero chic haha!

8. A family of dolls is in dire need of their doll house to get a makeover, what would you recommend?

Well if their house looks anything like my old doll house it's very cluttered haha! I'd recommend a minimal approach, nothing beats a fresh coat of paint so I'll go with a white colour scheme on the walls and cut back on all unnecessary clutter (apart from the tiny toys, the kids will need those!) Add warmth and colour with paintings, family photographs and soft furnishings!

9. What’s currently on your musical playlist, movie queue and reading list?

Current Music -Lana Del Rey, John Legend, Radiohead and George Ezra​

Movie queue -Foxcatcher, The imitation game and The theory of everything

Reading list- Gone girl, The book thief, Girlboss.

10. Where can people find more things Burkatron?​ Well you can find me chatting here:

on Twitter @burkatron and of course at the mothership ​ :)

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As I mentioned at the beginning of this Writer Wednesday, I love variety. I think knowing a little about everything equips us to express ourselves creatively and that said creativity is a healthy outlet to get more out of life. It also goes to show that guys can also enjoy the finer things in life without fear towards their masculinity because hey, if there’s anything I can guarantee from the Burkatron blog is that if you’re a guy and want to impress your significant other, there are PLENTY of ideas to surprise and give something double special. In addition, by trying new things, we lose the fear to express ourselves creatively… and in life, freedom does tend to bring along happiness. So by all means, fellow humans, let us create!

Once again, thanks to Caroline for the fun answers and for showing that there’s no need to fear when it comes to DIY projects. Just have fun. After all, life is a ride and we should enjoy it.




  1. thank you so much for having me.. and for questions that actually made me think! :)

    1. It was my pleasure. Always fun to browse the minds of fellow writers and always happy to get you thinking. :D Cheers!

  2. I loved this! Caroline's blog is utterly amazing and she is so nice too, what more can I say? :)

    1. I completely agree, Amy. Caroline is quite the talented one and her invitation to just do it yourself is quite lovely. Happy you enjoyed the questions and thanks for stopping by.


